Hot Springs County joins Lincoln and Johnson Counties in February as having the largest drop in unemployment in Wyoming.
Overall, Wyoming has an unemployment rate of 3.9 percent, slightly lower than the national average of 4.1 percent. Hot Springs County sits at 3.5 percent for February, a full 1.2 percent down from January.
Hot Springs County’s labor force dropped by eight people from January to February and we actually have 92 fewer people in our labor force than we did at the same time last year.
Seventeen more people were at work in February than were in January, however, that number is 74 less employed than a year ago.
Those unemployed are at 75, which is 25 less than in January and 18 fewer than last February.
Unemployment rates in Park, Fremont and Big Horn Counties are the highest in the state while Teton, Niobrara and Albany Counties boast the lowest unemployment rates in Wyoming.
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