Agar comments on lodging tax failure
Senator Wyatt Agar spoke Tuesday morning on the defeat of House Bill 66, which would, essentially, implement a statewide lodging tax. Though the bill passed out of the House with a 44-16 vote, it met its end in the Senate at 19-7.
Under the bill, a five percent statewide tax would have been implemented on lodging, with three percent going to the Wyoming Office of Tourism and the remaining two going to the locality where it was generated.
Agar, who was excused from the vote, said he felt the bill would fail, as on the Senate side there has been talk about there not being any revenue generators until the appropriate steps have been taken with the budget and all possible cuts have been made. Further, he said, if the time for revenue generators comes they must be responsible.
Also with regard to the budget, Agar pointed out there were not cuts made, but they did stand up a couple tax breaks for the disabled and elderly that were taken out four years ago and secured the full $18 million for the economic cost adjustment for schools.
Agar also commented on the capital construction bill, noting that no committee had been assigned to it. He noted there is a discrepancy between the two chambers as to what should be funded, with the Senate endorsing the $24 million recommendation from the governor for projects such as the repair of the community college in Rock Springs and addressing the condemned Schiffer School in Sheridan.
However, Agar noted, the House is looking to add projects to the capital construction bill that have not gone through the approval process and could put the bill at more than $70 million.
A bill that passed this past week is House Bill 194 regarding the expansion of Medicaid coverage for air ambulances. Agar expressed concern for the bill as there are not a lot of air ambulance providers in the state. He’s concerned the bill, which would be like handing such services a $30 million blank check every year, will not keep the services competitive.
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