Last weekend, members of the Thermopolis Wrestling Club competed at the Bearcat Brawl in Douglas, wrestling in Greco and Freestyle Feb. 9 and in Folkstyle Feb. 10.
In Intermediate 63 Dyllan Myers placed second and scored five team points.
In Intermediate 84 Cannon Boren placed first and scored six team points.
In Novice 86 Colter Price placed second and scored five team points.
In Schoolboy/girl 90 Dalton Price placed third and scored four team points.
In Girls Intermediate 52-68 Briar Lahoe placed first and has scored six team points, and Brayli Price placed second and has scored five team points.
In Bantam 49 Bain Lahoe placed fourth and scored three team points.
In Bantam 56 Briar Lahoe placed fourth and scored one team point.
In Intermediate 63 Dyllan Myers placed second and scored six team points.
In Intermediate 71 Christian Seidel placed sixth and scored one team point.
In Intermediate 84 Cannon Boren placed second and scored five team points.
In Novice 86 Colter Price placed second and scored five team points.
In Schoolboy/girl 90 Dalton Price placed second and scored five team points.
In PeeWee 45A Tucker Sayler placed first and scored 10 team points.
In PeeWee 45D Lucas Seidel placed third and scored three team points.
In PeeWee 50A Archer Price placed fourth and scored two teams points.
In PeeWee 50D Bain Lahoe placed third and scored four team points.
In Bantam 49 Ryker Sayler placed third and scored four team points.
In Intermediate 63 Dyllan Myers placed second and scored five team points.
In Intermediate 84 Cannon Boren placed second and scored five team points.
In Novice 58 Lilly Quintanilla placed second and scored five team points.
In Novice 63-67 Caden Dodd placed sixth and scored one team point.
In Novice 86 Colter Price placed second and scored six team points.
In Schoolboy/girl 90 Dalton Price placed second and scored five team points.
In Schoolboy/girl 136-149 Kailey Allen placed sixth and scored one team point.
In Girls Intermediate 51-54, Briar Lahoe placed first and scored seven team points, and Brayli Price placed second and scored five team points.
In Girls Novice 54-56, Lilly Quintanilla placed first and scored six team points.
In Girls Novice 67-74, Chloee Owsley placed second and scored six team points.
Wrestlers also competed at the Sheridan Shootout on Feb. 9, with Chance Stothart placing third in PeeWee 50, Brogan Little placing second in Bantam 62C and Blevins Little placing first in Novice 135.
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