Your source for news in Hot Springs County

Setting the record straight

What a week it’s been. Aside from the dump of snow we got for the New Year, as well as the resulting drifts, here at The Independent Record we’ve had a storm of a different kind.

Last week, a town employee presented us with Contribution Report documents regarding a political candidate and accused us of making illegal campaign contributions. The accuser also feels a local business made illegal contributions as well.

The Independent Record has not, did not and will not make campaign contributions to any candidate. The small business being accused of making illegal contributions is a sole proprietorship and, therefore, did nothing illegal either to the best of our knowledge.

The accusers interpretation of the candidate's paperwork lead him to the conclusion there were illegal contributions being made. The candidate had simply recorded what he spent on advertising in our paper, as he was required to do.

The accuser took the documents to the county attorney and has shared inaccurate information with others in the community. Having a better understanding of campaign expense sheets and campaign contribution laws, the county attorney realized no illegal activity had transpired.

At the Independent Record, we make every effort to ensure the stories we run are unbiased and fair, especially when in an election year. Candidates and those who want to show their support must take out and pay for advertisements.

Allow us to express our appreciation to those who took the initial reports of any wrong doing with a grain of salt, and know that we don’t take these type of things lightly.

May our newly elected and appointed officials understand the responsibilities placed upon them by the community and go forward knowing the impact of their decisions.


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