In a few short days we will be faced with a book filled with blank pages – 2019. Each new year is our chance to leave behind the previous year and fill those blank pages with new memories.
Some of us will make resolutions with the finest of intentions, like losing weight, stopping smoking or even making amends with family and friends.
Of course, there is also the portion of us that, while we may have good intentions, will let those resolutions slide before January is even over.
We need to keep in mind that forgetting about our New Year’s resolutions does not mean we have failed or that we’re quitters. Perhaps what we have chosen as a resolution is simply too difficult for us to do all at once.
It is a lot easier to begin slowly.
If you plan on losing weight, don’t start a crash diet January 1. You may have more success if you make the decision to cut something out of your diet, like those triple mocha lattes you have every day. How about just coffee with a spoonful of hot chocolate instead?
Maybe the reason the symbol for the New Year is a baby is because those resolutions are meant to be taken in baby steps.
None of us are perfect and we need to stop being so hard on ourselves. You didn’t lose 10 pounds the first month? Its OK, you lost three, and three is good.
Let us resolve this year to be easier on ourselves. We can do better every day without expecting perfection. Fill those blank pages with memories and simple goals this year and before you know it, that big goal will be achieved without even realizing it.
Happy New Year from all the staff at the Thermopolis Independent Record.
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