As we begin hanging our stockings with care, wrapping presents and dreaming of a white Christmas, there are those right here in our community that will not be having a Merry Christmas without our help.
The Department of Family Services (DFS) has a tree at Thermop Hardware filled with tags from our children who are in dire need of some Christmas gifts.
When it comes to our friends and family, we have no problem spending our hard-earned dollars to make sure they have the newest technology, an expensive sweater or maybe a new piece of jewelry.
The children on the Elf Tree come from families who may be struggling to even have enough food for their table, much less new socks, coats or even candy canes or a Christmas tree...simple things that we take for granted.
As of Wednesday, Dec. 12, there are still a few tags hanging on the tree. Those children deserve a Merry Christmas
So, pick a tag from the Elf Tree and shop for the gifts these children would like to see. Once your shopping is done, return the gifts to DFS before Dec. 24 and they will deliver them.
This is the season of giving. If you have never taken a tag from the Elf Tree, why not do it this year? Make it a family tradition. Bring your children along to help with the shopping.
Your heart will be lighter and your smiles will be brighter knowing you helped a child in need this Christmas.
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