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Finally grown up

Yes, I am one of those weird people that already has all my Christmas shopping done. Well, with the exception of a few little ‘stocking stuffer’ kinds of things.

Nothing is wrapped and my tree is definitely not up, but I buy things throughout the year when I see them, knowing someone on my list is going to love this little trinket or that.

I’ve definitely come a long way from when I was married.

It used to be we would put off Christmas shopping until the very last minute and then it was a flurry of activity to get everything wrapped and boxed to send back East. Of course, it always cost an arm and a leg to ship these heavy boxes at the last minute to ensure they arrived in time for Christmas. Some years, it was actually more in shipping than the contents of the boxes.

Nowadays, I can happily sit at home on Black Friday and not have to deal with enormous crowds. I will go to Shop Small Saturday and get the final stuff here in town, with no traveling out of town.

Perhaps I’ll spend Black Friday casually sipping coffee, watching Netflix and making a list of winter projects for the house. I will nap with the kitties if the notion strikes me and eat popcorn in the comfort of my living room while everyone else spends the day standing in line at the check out counter.

Wow. Does this mean I’ve finally grown up?


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