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Survivors of Suicide Loss Day Saturday

According to information from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP), based on the most recent 2016 data from the CDC, suicide is the sixth leading cause of death in Wyoming. It is the second leading cause for ages 15-44, the fourth leading for ages 45-54, the seventh leading for ages 55-64 and the 14th leading for ages 65 and older. More than eight times as many people die by suicide in Wyoming annually than by homicide.

Saturday, November 17, is International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day, also known as Survivor Day. It is one day a year when people affected by suicide loss gather around the world at events in their local communities to find comfort and gain understanding as they share stories of healing and hope.

On Saturday, loss survivors will gather around the globe in small and large events while growing together in their grief journey. Each event is unique and offers various programing, however each event site will feature an American Foundation for Suicide Prevention produced documentary that offers a message of growth, resilience and connection.

Though no such events are planned locally, there are a number of counseling centers available for those impacted by suicide, or you can speak with your minister or other spiritual provider. You can also contact the National Suicide Prevention Life Line at 1-800-273-8255. Online information for those who are experiencing suicidal thoughts or have been affected by suicide can be found at


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