Certainly one of the most talked about races in the General Election is for the Hot Springs County School District No. 1 Board of Trustees. To that end, the Community Hall was home to a special forum for all six who are on the ballot for the school board. A similar situation happened in the Primary, with a forum specifically for candidates in the running for Hot Springs County Sheriff.
As with any forum this past election year, introductions were given, questions were asked and answered, and there was plenty of visiting with candidates outside of the official forum. It was the last time this election season we’ll have a public venue to voice concerns and ask questions, but that doesn’t mean we as voters have to stop asking those questions.
Sure, a lot of people have already made up their minds about which ovals they’re going to fill in when they head in to vote. But for those who haven’t these next two weeks are a critical time. Earlier this year, we published an editorial about making sure you’re educated when it comes to your government, your school district and any other town and county arenas and issues. That stance hasn’t changed, only become more relevant as Nov. 6 draws nearer.
And voter education is not just for those having a hard time deciding who they want in. Even if you’re already decided, reading about or — better yet — speaking to the candidates about your concerns is a right we all should take advantage of. It might sway your way toward or away from a particular candidate, but at the very least it will help ensure those asking for your votes are also informed about the people they want to serve.
At the Independent Record, we’ve worked to bring you coverage of the forums, information about the candidates, sample ballots to prepare you for election day and plenty of political advertisements. But the one thing we can’t do is guide your hand when it comes to voting, so take it on yourself to get informed and get to the polls.
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