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Bjorklund nominated for AARP award

The highest volunteer honor AARP Wyoming presents is named after the organization’s founder, Ethel Percy Andrus. This year, there are three finalists for the award, and people can vote for the winner by offering a like or a share for the volunteer they believe is most deserving of the award, through posts on the AARP Wyoming Facebook page.

Among the finalist’s is 94-year-old Kay Bjorklund of Thermopolis. Born and raised in Newcastle, she graduated high school in 1941 and went to work for an oil company that was later bought out. She moved to Billings. Mont. with her cousin and worked in the office at Cargo Oil.

When her soon-to-be husband, Guy, returned from the war he proposed and the two were married in 1945. Guy went to college on the GI bill, and after he graduated became the assistant manager of the ready-to-wear department of JC Penny’s in Billings.

In 1955, he was offered a management position for the Thermopolis area JC Penny’s, and it was here they stayed. After her husband’s transfer, Kay worked at First National Bank for about 11 years, before the couple became involved with the Coast to Coast Store, which was later bought out. They later purchased the Coast to Coast stores in Douglas and Glenrock and later sold them in 2008.

At 94, she keeps busy with delivering Meals on Wheels and being active in the Community Federated Church, as well as activities at the Wyoming Pioneer Home including league bowling; she’s also filled in as an activities director at the home.

She is also a member of the American Legion Auxiliary Worland chapter, as there is no local chapter anymore, and volunteers at the gift shop in Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital.

Bjorklund has also been very active with one of the local Philanthropic Educational Organization (PEO) chapters, selling See’s Candy for their local scholarship fundraiser, and is an ambassador for the Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce.

To vote for Bjorklund, visit the AARP Wyoming Facebook page, and like and share the post featuring her. As of Monday morning, she was leading with 316 likes and 214 shares though the other nominees are coming up fast. On Sept. 21, AARP Wyoming will tally up the likes and shares and announce a winner.


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