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On the Record for Sept. 13

On the Record policy

It is the Thermopolis Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police department” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Sheriff’s office

Tuesday, Sept. 4

8:20 a.m. Report of a subject camping on Laughing Bear Lane. The suspect was gone prior to the deputy’s arrival.

3:48 p.m. Report of a scam, in which people receive a text stating someone has offered money to have them killed. The messages further request money for protection.

4:16 p.m. Report of an accident in which a vehicle pulling a camper struck a truck. There was minor damage to the camper and the truck.

Wednesday, Sept. 5

1:35 p.m. An inmate flushed several items down a toilet, causing flooding in the squad room. The inmate responsible will be charged with property destruction.

8:07 p.m. Report of a fire in the canyon. In actuality, a lighted cross had fallen over and the glow from the lights resembled a fire.

Thursday, Sept. 6

1:13 a.m. A subject known to be on a warrant was seen, but could not be located later.

12:33 p.m. Trespass notice was served on a subject.

1:42 p.m. Assist with Department of Family Services for a wellness check on an elderly couple.

Friday, Sept. 7

1:59 p.m. A transient subject was contacted and was given a ride through the canyon.

8:42 p.m. REDDI report, thought he driver was contacted by a town officer and found to not be intoxicated.

Saturday, Sept. 8

4:05 p.m. Report of two Black Angus cows missing. Neither of the animals were branded or tagged.

Sunday, Sept. 9

7:42 p.m. Deputy responded to a report of vandalism, and found people were simply touching up the paint on a sign.

Monday, Sept. 10

4:42 p.m. A male subject was cited for impersonating a police officer, as he was stating he was associated with various agencies including sheriff’s offices, the CIA and FBI.

Police department

Tuesday, Sept. 4

3:57 p.m. Report from the hospital of a subject who appeared to be intoxicated. The subject could not be located.

Wednesday, Sept. 5

7:37 a.m. Report of a wallet taken from a vehicle parked in front of a residence.

9:09 a.m. Agency assist with Probation and Parole.

12:35 p.m. Report of an accident in which a pedestrian on a bicycle was hit by a car. There was minimal damage to the bike and no injuries.

4:14 p.m. Report of a family fight. Kenneth Pulver was arrested for alleged simple assault.

6:14 p.m. Deanna Morgan was arrested on a warrant.

6:39 p.m. Report of a truck leaking fluid which turned out to only be water being used in construction.

Thursday, Sept. 6

3:09 p.m. Report of theft of personal items from a residence. The matter is under investigation.

5:19 p.m. Report of a small child alone outside. The subject could not be found.

Friday, Sept. 7

9:33 a.m. Report of a vehicle backing into a garage door, though there were no tracks or indication of who did it.

11:11 a.m. Reported theft of garage sale items. The matter is under investigation.

12:42 p.m. Reported traffic offense, in which a bus dropped off a child and sped away quickly.

2:07 p.m. Complainant reported an erratic driver, though the suspect could not be located.

4:22 p.m. Report of a lost wallet.

8:20 p.m. Report of a subject acting aggressively inside a business. The suspect could not be located.

10:06 p.m. Complainant reported two vehicles heading north from the canyon at a high rate of speed. The suspect vehicles could not be located.

Saturday, Sept. 8

1:39 a.m. Robert J. Hunter Jr. was arrested for alleged driving under the influence.

1:19 p.m. Report of a purse left at a business. The owner was able to retrieve it.


Stella Sky Nelson was born Thursday, September 6, 2018, at Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital to Shylo Stinnette-Nelson and Jack Nelson

Circuit court

Dakota Wedor was found guilty of being under 21 and driving with a BAC of .02 percent or more and minor in possession. Fees and fines are $950.

Property transfers

Court Officer’s Deed: John Bell, a personal representative of the Estate of Robert Lenoir Bell, releases to Robert Bell, Richard Bell and Rae Benson each an undivided one-third of Lots 23 and 24 of the North 55 feet of Lot 22 in Block 2 of the Original Townsite of the Town of Thermopolis.

Quitclaim Deed: John Bell. Robert Bell, Richard Bell, Duong Bell, Rae Benson and Terence Benson to Bell Leasing LLC, Lots 23 and 24 of the North 55 feet of Lot 22 in Block 2 of the Original Townsite of the Town of Thermopolis.

Court Officer’s Deed: John Bell, a personal representative of the Estate of Robert Lenoir Bell, releases to Robert Bell, Richard Bell and Rae Benson each an undivided one-third of the East 28, feet 11 inches of the South 75 feet and the East 29 feet, three inches of the North 65 feet of Lot 21, and the South 85 feet of Lot 22, Block 2, of the Original Townsite of the Town of Thermopolis.

Quitclaim Deed: John Bell. Robert Bell, Richard Bell, Duong Bell, Rae Benson and Terence Benson to Bell Leasing LLC, the East 28, feet 11 inches of the South 75 feet and the East 29 feet, three inches of the North 65 feet of Lot 21, and the South 85 feet of Lot 22, Block 2, Original Townsite of the Town of Thermopolis.

Warranty Deed: John Moeller and Barbara Moeller to Daniel Hemann, Lots 23 and 24, Block 47, Original Town of Thermopolis.

Warranty Deed: Brian Jensen and Sara Jensen to White Horse Investments LLC, parcels of land located in the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, Section 10 and the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 11, Township 42 North, Range 95 west of the Sixth Principal Meridian.


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