The newspaper industry let out a huge sigh of relief this past week as the U.S. International Trade Commission overturned an administrative decision imposing tariffs on Canadian newsprint that went into effect in January.
That tariff could have ultimately caused newspapers across the country to raise their prices by nearly double or create layoffs of reporters, photographers and other staff to make up for the cost.
Small, weekly newspapers such as ourselves, would have felt the pinch, possibly to the point of putting us out of business.
Fortunately, we dodged that bullet and we are very glad that we’re going to be able to continue bringing all of your local news to you.
We work hard to bring you the things you won’t find in other papers and we love talking with the coaches to get the latest on the football, volleyball and golf teams this fall or shooting a photo of the Garden of the Month.
Our reporters spend long nights at meetings so you know what’s going on in the town and county and often jump from their warm beds in the middle of the night to shoot car wrecks or house fires.
Sometimes, the news isn’t pretty, but we take it all very seriously and do our best to cover everything with professionalism and concern.
Everyone in this office does this job out of a love of community and the people within it. We continually educate ourselves on the latest trends in the industry and do our best to bring you a newspaper you can enjoy with your morning coffee.
Thank you to our loyal readers for standing behind us.
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