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Wyoming ESA hosts regional roundup in HSC

Epsilon Sigma Alpha‘s (ESA) Rocky Mountain Regional Roundup was hosted by Wyoming ESA on August 10, 11, and 12, at the High Island Ranch west of Thermopolis. There were 34 members present from seven states.

Rocky Mountain Regional Council (RMRC) was formed in 1987. The purpose of the RMRC is to impart information at Roundup from International Council Convention to members who were unable to attend the convention and to promote education and leadership development as well as philanthropic endeavors in an informal setting. Rocky Mountain Regional Council is made up of ESA members from the states of Colorado, New Mexico, Idaho, Utah, and Wyoming. There were 10 members from Colorado, two from New Mexico, two from Idaho, six from Utah and 11 from Wyoming.

Also attending was the International Council President Kim Kummer and International Council Corresponding Secretary Maureen Wells from Kansas, as well as International Council First Vice President Terri Olsen from Minnesota and part-time Wyoming resident.

ESA’s mission statement is “ESA is Good Friends, Good Works, and Good Times… We create activities and support causes that let us surround ourselves with welcoming positive people who enjoy making a difference and having fun together.” That is exactly what happened at this weekend retreat. A meeting was held to elect the following new officers: Kathy Garrison, President from Colorado; Terry Marsh, Vice President from Utah; and Jenifer Grimm, Secretary/Treasurer from Thermopolis.

Lots of food was consumed, visiting, laughing as good times were had by all. The members in attendance raised $643 in a raffle, penny board and silent auction to be used between RMRC Scholarship through ESA Foundation and RMRC.


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