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Keys to the City campaign put on hold for a year

During the Tuesday meeting of Hot Springs Travel and Tourism, following some lengthy discussion, it was decided to suspend the annual Keys to the City winter campaign for a year.

Through the campaign, hoteliers are provided with key chains to hand out to people who stay with them. The people can then present them at local businesses for discounts. Keys to the City has been an annual campaign for a few years, and last year saw nearly every business participating in providing discounts. Travel and Tourism Director Amanda Moeller noted there have even been businesses not on the official list that have honored the key chains, and some people wait until the Keys campaign is going before they visit Thermopolis.

However, the campaign has also had its share of other issues as well. This past year, there were several delays in getting the key chains in, which meant the campaign was extended much further than previous years. Some local businesses were frustrated about having to provide a discount for a longer period of time, and other businesses were unhappy that hotel employees and other locals had gotten their hands on the chains and were using them.

Though the ultimate decision was to suspend Keys to the City for a year, there was some discussion regarding alternatives. Among them was partnering with the Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce to promote something of a “package” for people. Moeller explained Travel and Tourism’s role in this would be to promote the package the chamber put together. The package would contain items and offers from local businesses, and because Travel and Tourism is unable to promote specific businesses they would promote the package.

However, conflict could also arise from this idea if the package were to contain items or offers from businesses that were not chamber members.

Another idea was similar to Keys to the City, as visitors would be provided with local discounts through “coupon books.” Much of the same issues arose, though, such as how to regulate whether local residents were using them and how long they could be used.

Another idea was to use the money for the Keys campaign — $5,000 — to put toward additional advertising to get more people here for the winter, though it was pointed out that it would be effective to shoot a winter campaign advertisement during the actual season.

Also during the meeting, the board was presented with a letter from Bob and Tara Roos. Though largely complementary, the letter also notes there are areas of town that could use some improvement. Moeller said the letter was important, as it provides the board with a better idea of what their role is in shaping the community.

Moeller also provided a recap of the recent Cycle Greater Yellowstone event, and expressed her appreciation to the chamber of commerce for the job they did in hosting it. Moeller volunteered to help as well.

“There were people there from everywhere,” Moeller said. “All over the country and other countries, and they were all welcome to our community.”

Looking at the lodging tax receipt report, there was a bit of dip for August compared to the last fiscal year; Moeller noted these receipts are actually collected in June. For the 2018 fiscal year, the collected receipts were $21,988.12 compared to $25,734.17 last fiscal year. Moeller said there was a fairly steep increase in fiscal year 2017-18, the same year as the solar eclipse. Last year was also the first they saw deposits for vacation rentals. She said the small dip in receipts at the start of the current fiscal year would likely not last.


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