The filing dates for various county boards are open now through August 28.
There are three openings on the Hot Springs County School District’s Board of Trustees, all four-year terms. School board applications are available in the County Clerk’s office.
In addition, there are two openings for the Hot Springs County Fire Protection District’s board, both of which are four-year terms.
Two rural, four-year terms are open on the Hot Springs Conservation District board along with one at-large, four-year term.
Three openings are available on the Hot Springs County Hospital District board and three openings for the Hot Springs County Cemetery District board.
If you have any interest in running for one of these openings, please contact their district secretaries for an application. Applications are then dropped off at the County Clerk’s office.
It is interesting to note, according to records kept in the clerk’s office, we have a rather small percentage of write-in votes come election time.
In the primary election we average 3.36 percent of total votes as write-ins. For the general election, the average of total votes that are written in is just 2.59 percent. All write-in votes are tallied by hand.
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