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Ask questions

Its time to start asking the big questions.

We are in the midst of election season with the primary just a few weeks away. We’ve heard what the platforms are for candidates on both sides of the aisle, locally, state-wide and federally, but we’re still seeking answers.

The reality is, these are people seeking election to become public servants and we are the public they’ll be serving.

Locally, you’re bound to run into a candidate or two on almost a daily basis and its fine to ask them specific questions. Many candidates are more comfortable talking with potential voters one-on-one rather than in a large crowd.

Candidates on a state level will be returning to town as well and since they are campaigning, its expected that you’ll ask questions. Find out what they’re really all about. If there is something you want to know, just ask. They should be an open book.

Most of the candidates have websites where you can send questions, too. If you’re concerned about taxes, Medicare, healthcare, the oil and gas industry – ask. Want to know the details on the water issues in town? Ask. Curious about how your money is being spent? Ask.

We’re looking at a changing world on so many fronts and these are the people who are going to be making the big decisions for all of us.

Ask those big questions.


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