On the Record policy
It is the Thermopolis Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police department” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Sheriff’s office
Tuesday, June 26
11:36 a.m. Trespass notices were served on two subjects.
12:58 p.m. Complaint of neighbor’s guinea fowl on property.
1:34 p.m. Deputy responded to a dispute between a merchant and customer.
4:39 p.m. An mp3 player was found in the wood park.
8:58 p.m. A subject was having problems with a trailer title and was provided the steps to remedy it.
Wednesday, June 27
11:52 a.m. Report of open sewage dumping in a creek.
Thursday, June 28
8:05 p.m. Complainant reported someone had taken a backpack out of a vehicle. The subject was cited for theft.
11:28 p.m. Complainant was upset a business was closed. The dispatcher suspected the caller was intoxicated, though he could not be located.
Friday, June 29
2:16 p.m. Deputy responded to a fight at a bar. Jacquelyn M. Tuttle and Karl Bert David Loos were arrested for alleged domestic violence.
7:08 p.m. Search and Rescue was called to rescue three stranded floaters on the river.
Saturday, June 30
6:36 a.m. Tyler S. Kihlstrom was arrested for alleged possession of a controlled substance.
4:14 p.m. Complaint of guinea fowl on property.
10:50 p.m. Report of reckless driving. The driver was contacted and showed no signs of intoxication, but was cited for no proof of insurance.
Sunday, July 1
6:21 p.m. Report of a kayaker stranded on the river. The subject was rescued, though the kayak continued down river.
Police department
Tuesday, June 26
9:45 a.m. A subject out for a walk reported poor conditions at the chicken coop at the middle school. School staff stated there is someone taking care of the property.
9:06 p.m. Subject complained someone was disturbing him at his residence.
Wednesday, June 27
1:14 p.m. Report of someone running over signs and sandbags warning of road construction.
3:42 p.m. Someone wanted a subject removed from his property and was notified of the process to follow.
10:08 p.m. Report of someone setting off fireworks. An officer was unable to locate the origin.
10:45 p.m. Report of smoke; officer was unable to locate the origin.
Thursday, June 28
1:56 a.m. Report of a possible drunk driver. The officer was unable to locate the suspect vehicle immediately, but located it later though the driver was not around.
4:26 p.m. Complaint of someone being slanderous online. The matter was deemed civil in nature.
7:45 p.m. Report of a vehicle driving recklessly. The suspect vehicle could not be loacted.
11:19 p.m. Complaint of a campfire in a neighbor’s yard. The fire was allowable under the town code.
Friday, June 29
7:50 a.m. Report of a break in at a fireworks stand.
9:46 a.m. Complaint of a subject who was allowed to stay at a residence in exchange for labor.
12:06 p.m. Shane L. Boren was arrested for an alleged probation violation.
5:39 p.m. During a traffic stop, the officer observed the driver indicated recent use of methamphetamine. A urine analysis was done.
Saturday, June 30
8:16 a.m. Report of horses loose on the highway. The owner was contacted.
2:43 p.m. Subjects who had been drinking were submitted to a breath test. Though neither was legally intoxicated, they opted to get a room for the night.
2:52 p.m. Report of a possibly intoxicated subject. An officer located the subject at his home. The subject had a laceration to the forehead but refused medical treatment.
3:19 p.m. REDDI report, though the suspect driver tested negative for being intoxicated.
Sunday, July 1
3:28 p.m. Complaint of a juvenile subject on a four-wheeler spinning cookies. It was determined the juvenile’s parents owned the property he was on.
Hyrum Douglas Cauffman was born Wed., June 27, 2018, at Powell Valley Hospital in Powell, Wyo., to Katie and Jonathan Cauffman.
He weighed 6 pounds, 15 ounces, and was 18.75 inches long.
Grandparents are Randall and Violet Olsen of Thermopolis, Wyo., and Doug and Lydia Cauffman of Basin, Wyo.
Marriage licenses
Kenneth Rainwater and Cori Christensen, both of Elko, Nev.
Thomas Linnan and Tyler Sharpston, both of Shoshoni
Ryan Georgius and Vivian Sannes, both of Thermopolis
Jacob Korte and Jacqueline Griffin, both of Thermopolis
Circuit court
Shane L. Boren was found guilty of breach of peace and interference with an officer, and was sentenced to 90 days in jail with six days suspension and one year supervised probation. Fees and fines are $299.
Nathan M. Thomas was found guilty of property destruction under $1,000. Fees and fines are $205.
Property transfers
Warranty Deed: South Thermopolis Development LLC to Jon Bryce and Helen Bryce, a parcel in the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 14, Township 42 North, Range 95 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian.
Warranty Deed: Bonnie Martin and John Martin to Thomas McCallum and Nicky McCallum, the South portion of Lots 1 and 2, Block 9, McManigal’s Third Addition to the Town of Thermopolis.
Warranty Deed: WASP Inc. to Charles Bartlett and Carolyn Bartlett, Lots 1 and 2, the South 30 feet of Lot 3 and the East eight feet of the North 110 feet of Lot 3, Block 39, Original Town of Thermopolis.
Trustee’s Deed: Barbara Peterson, under the Peterson Living Trust, to Colin Jones and Kathryn Jones, Parcel B of the re-subdivision of a portion of Block 2, Artois Subdivision.
Sheriff’s Deed: Charles Laver, Kimberly Laver, Scott Revoir and Michelle Revoir to JPMorgan Chase Bank, the North 90 feet of Lots 1 and 2, Block 34, Original Townsite to the Town of Thermopolis.
Warranty Deed: David Bain and Theresa Bain to David Bain as Trustee of the David W. Bain Trust and Theresa Bain as Trustee of the Theresa A. Bain Trust, a parcel in the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter lying west of US Highway 20 and Wyoming Highway 789, Section 24, Township 43 North, Range 95 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian.
Warranty Deed: Henry Bennett and Sharron Bennett to John Wertz and Leyann Gomez, Parcel F and Parcel G of the Re-Subdivision of a portion of Block 2, Artois Subdivision.
Decree of Summary Distribution of Real Property: Lots 38 and 39, Block 6, East Thermopolis Townsite are distributed to Shelly Kvamme and Tracy Buckaloo.
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