There is an old addage that says, “Don’t believe everything you hear.”
Its a perfect reminder during this political season that its better to hear things from the “horse’s mouth” than what you may hear on the streets or through social media.
Luckily, you have opportunities to actually talk one on one with the local candidates almost any time. They’re more than happy to fill you in on what their thoughts are about the issues facing Thermopolis and Hot Springs County as well as their vision of the future.
Don’t be afraid to ask the hard questions. If you’ve heard something about a candidate, by all means, ask – give them the opportunity to clear the air.
Today (Thursday) you have a chance to chat in an informal setting with some of the state candidates as they will be at the Washakie Shelter in Hot Springs State Park from noon until 2 p.m.
On Monday, July 23 you can hear what the local candidates have to say at the Candidate’s Forum at the middle school.
The best voter is an informed voter and its up to all of us to make sure we’re informed about the issues we’re facing on a local and state level as well as what the candidates stand for.
Our Founding Father's were a group of pretty smart guys, ensuring that every American had a say in who governs them, not just the wealthy.
If you aren't registered to vote, the process is simple. Stop in to the County Clerk's office at the County Courthouse and the ladies up there will be happy to help you fill out the necessary paperwork.
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