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Help prevent wildfires on your public lands

Spring precipitation has brought an abundance of grass and other fine fuels, including cheatgrass, to public lands. In addition to last year’s dried grasses, these fine fuels can ignite readily and burn easily once they dry out. As things heat up, please follow these simple tips on how you can do your part to prevent wildfires on your public lands. Doing so will assist the BLM in our commitment to keep public landscapes healthy and productive through shared conservation stewardship.

•Prior to departing on your summer adventure, please take a moment to check your tires and ensure they are properly maintained. One of the many causes of roadside fires is tire wires from the tread of vehicle tires.

•If towing a boat or trailer, ensure your safety chains are properly secure and not dragging on the ground.

•Never park your vehicle over dead grass and avoid driving through tall grass—your vehicle can ignite the fuels and start a fire.

•All off-highway vehicles are required to have a Society of Automotive Engineers approved spark arrestor. Maintain your spark arrestor and keep it free of carbon buildup.

•Carry a shovel and fire extinguisher in your vehicle or off-road vehicle.

•If using equipment to weld, grind or mow that could generate sparks, have firefighting equipment — shovels, rakes, water and garden hoses, and an ABC-rated fire extinguisher — available for use.

When camping on public lands, never leave your campfire unattended. Ensure your campfire is “dead” out before leaving or turning in for the night. If your campfire is too hot to touch, it’s too hot to leave. Drown with water, stir and repeat until it’s cold. Each year, firefighters respond to several escaped campfires throughout Wyoming. Don’t let yours be one of them.

If target shooting, please take all the proper precaution measures to be fire-safe—select an area that is free of flammable materials and bring a fire extinguisher or water to extinguish any flames. Exploding targets are one of the major causes of wildfires on public lands in Wyoming. Please take extra precaution if using exploding targets. Tracer ammunition is prohibited for use on all public lands in Wyoming per the year-round wildfire prevention restrictions.

Remember—one small spark can start a wildfire!

In the event of a wildfire, while you may be curious or worried, avoid approaching to watch firefighting efforts. Firefighters must stop fighting fire when onlookers are in dangerous areas or vehicles have blocked road access to the fire. Most firefighting aircraft will not be able to drop water or retardant if you are in the area. If a firefighter asks you to leave the area, it is for your own safety.

Firefighter and public safety are the top priorities in wildfire management. If you operate an unmanned aircraft system (UAS), commonly called a drone, please remember that unauthorized UAS flights over or near a wildfire endanger the lives of pilots, firefighters and members of the public. In 2017, at least 36 public drone incursions occurred over or near wildland fire incidents, necessitating the shutdown of aerial firefighting efforts. When aerial firefighting efforts are halted, fires often become larger.

It’s a good idea to program the county dispatch phone number in your cell phone contacts in case you ever need to report a fire, and you can always dial 911 to report a fire. Contact your local BLM office for more information.


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