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It's a team effort

Recently, my oldest son started playing tee ball through the Hot Springs County Rec Department. It’s been a learning experience on many levels. I’ve had to remind myself that I am not a coach, and Mike’s been learning about the game – although he isn’t quite ready to let go of the bat when running to first base – and more importantly about being a good sport and teammate.

With the whirlwind of the 2018 election just really starting to get a good spin on it, we can take some of those lessons about sportsmanship and teamwork and apply them. To those running for local offices, I’m sure you’ve been busy getting you campaigns going. The number of interviews we’ve already done and the many more to come, plus the abundance of signs all over town, certainly are good indicators of that. Naturally, with as many positions open and multiple candidates throwing their name in the ring, there’s going to be plenty of rivalries and perhaps a few dirty looks over the coming weeks. As candidates, it’s important you try to be a “good sport” and stand on your own platforms rather than try to swipe your opponents’ from underneath them. Nobody likes a person who came out on top only by dragging down everyone else.

The same goes for voters. When the polls open, we’re all going to be voting based on who we feel is right for the job. Just as the candidates should keep from pulling out the rug from under each other, we shouldn’t try to undermine our neighbors’ opinions of who they should vote for. True, there will be plenty of discussions and debates in businesses, homes and the streets about who is best for which spot, but rather than trying so hard to change someone else’s mind, we can instead listen to his or her reasons for voting the way they do and hope they extend the same courtesy in return.

Regardless of who gets voted in, I certainly hope when the dust settles we can all give a high five and a “good game” to everyone running, and as 2019 comes around we can meet it ready to support those who win the seats.


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