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Memorial grove rededication

The public is invited to join the Hot Springs County Daughters of the American Revolution and VFW Auxiliary to celebrate Flag Day on June 14 with the rededication of a memorial grove honoring those men who gave their lives for our country in World War II.

During the June 14, 1945 Flag Day tribute was paid to the men from Hot Springs County who died in World War II. A memorial grove of 23 green ash trees was planted in the area now occupied by the Hot Springs County Library. A number of these trees still exist and surround the library.

A brief ceremony will be conducted at 2 p.m. on Thursday, June 14 to dedicate a plaque to remember the grove and the 23 men. This is a special invitation to family and friends who would like to remember these young men, and those attending are invited to speak to their memory. Following the ceremony there will be a reception with refreshments.

Those honored are:

Sergeant John E. Allen

Private Bertram L. Bent

Private William J. Birch

Staff Sergeant Emory Blakesley

Lieutenant William S. Brady

Staff Sergeant Henry E. Brantley

Private William C. Buchanan

Private Gerald W. Buffington

Lieutenant Gordon Burt

Aviation Cadet Richard F. Dennick

Staff Sergeant Floyd E. Hart

Private Leon S. Hunt

Private Donald R. Huskey

Staff Sergeant Emil Leone

Private Ernst J. Pristavic

Corporal Carroll B. Rettstatt

Sergeant Leonard Short

Private Curtis Sumner

Private First Class Weldon G. Thompson

Master Sergeant Roy Todd

Staff Sergeant John A. Vannoy

Sergeant Rollin Wright

Private Frank Zulevic


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