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TMS celebrates 7th, 8th graders

Friday at Thermopolis Middle School, staff honored the seventh and eighth graders with various awards, along with presenting the eighth grade with certificates of completion.

Those receiving certificates of completion are: Austin Barral, Kaitee Barton, Caydence Becher, Jason Bowman, Kamry Bowman, Autumn Brawley, Mariah Brooks, Tristin Brown, Michelle Burgess, Josiah Butler, James Christensen, Cole Christiansen, Johnnie Christman, William Clark, Ayden Cox, Adley Coyne, Rylen Davis, Shauna Denecke, Bronwyn Dobbins, Lee Grimm, Skyla Hanson, Karsten Hart, Ashlynn Harvey, Noah Hill, Michael Jacobsen, William Jamieson, Hardy Johnson, Julie Johnson, Carson Kenast, Shila Little, Jase Longwell, Hallie Martinez, Hayden Mayne, Eli McCumber, Wyatt McDermott, Ryan Mosser, Matthew Music, Layne Myers, Jacob Randall, Michael Ream, Charlie Sandberg, Gunner Schepker, Michael Slagle, Jarek Sorensen, Landen Sosa, Cadence Steadman, Anthony Sword, Brendon Thomas, Hazen Thurgood, Garrett Titmus, Shelby Vincent, Madeline Wagler, June Wedor and Jean-Luc Willson.

7th Grade Awards

Jessie Thompson Writing Award: Jonah Needham first, Lexi Overfield second and Jayci Basse third

Outstanding Language Arts students: Jonah Needham, Lexi Overfield and Morgan Slover

Most Growth Reading MAP: Carson Medvigy

Top Reading MAP Score: Jonah Needham

Outstanding Social Studies students: Sadie Jo Burr, Jonah Needham and McCoy Longwell

Outstanding Science students: Jayci Basse, Lexi Overfield and Whip Longwell

Most Growth Science MAP: Aidan Nicodemus

Top Science MAP Score: Lexi Overfield

Outstanding Math students: Spencer Calhoun, Chloe Mascorro and Riley Eldridge

Most Growth Math MAP: Sadie Burr

Top Math MAP Score: Jonah Needham

Farm To School Star Performer: McCoy Longwell

Woodshop Star Performer: Gavin Shumway

Top Band student: Eryx Wells

Top Choir student: Sydney Jacobsen

Top Art 1 student: Karina Lea

Top Art 2 student: Tanner Macie

Foods Star Performer: McCoy Longwell

Yearbook Star Performer: Carson Medvigy

Digital Learning Star Performer: William (Isaac) Robinson

Top Latin student: Jonah Needham

Top PE student: Gavin Shumway

Health Star Performer: Jayci Basse

Perfect Attendance: Jayci Basse

Academic Excellence (Straight A's all year): Hannah Andreen, Jayci Basse, Spencer Calhoun, Hadley Johnson, Jonah Needham, Lexi Overfield and Morgan Slover.

Parent Partner Award: Joey Johnson

8th Grade Awards

Jessie Thompson Writing Award: Johnnie Christman first, Wyatt McDermott second and Kamry Bowman third

Outstanding Language Arts students: Ashlynn Harvey, Adley Coyne and Jacob Randall

Most Growth Reading MAP: Will Jamieson and Ryan Mosser

Top Reading MAP Score: Madeline Wagler

Outstanding Social Studies students: Jacob Randall, Wyatt McDermott and Madeline Wagler

Outstanding Science students: Madeline Wagler, Jacob Randall and Lee Grimm

Most Growth Science MAP: Kamry Bowman

Top Science MAP Score: Jarek Sorensen

Outstanding Math students: Madeline Wagler, Jacob Randall and Bronwyn Dobbins

Most Growth Math MAP: Jarek Sorensen

Top Math MAP Score: Josiah Butler

Farm To School Star Performer: Wyatt McDermott

Woodshop Star Performer: Garrett Titmus

Top Band student: Jean-Luc Willson

Top Choir student: Hallie Martinez

Top Art 1 student: Ashlynn Harvey

Top Art 2 student: Michael Slagle

Foods Star Performer: Hallie Martinez

Yearbook Star Performer: Matthew Music

Digital Learning Star Performer: Jarek Sorensen

Top Latin student: Jean-Luc Willson

Top PE student: Matthew Music

Health Star Performer: Kamry Bowman

Academic Excellence (Straight A's all year): Cole Christiansen, Johnnie Christman, Rylen Davis, Hardy Johnson, Hallie Martinez, Eli McCumber, Wyatt McDermott, Ryan Mosser, Jacob Randall, Madeline Wagler and Jean-Luc Willson

Parent Partner Award: Rachel Johnson

Power Play Citizenship Awards (7th and 8th grade team): Ashlynn Harvey, Jean-Luc Willson, Kamry Bowman, Wyatt McDermott, Jacob Randall and Johnnie Christman

Bobcats of the Year: Hallie Martinez and Rylen Davis

VFW Patriot's Pen awards: Hallie Martinez first, Jase Longwell second and Austin Barral third

Also during the ceremony, the 2018-19 Student Council Officer Team was presented, including: President Hadley Johnson, Vice President Jackson Reed, Secretary Elizabeth Peterson, Treasurer Brianna Lackey, Historian Charlie Oliver and class representatives Rosalie Willson, Seth Needham, Hannah Andreen and Lexi Overfield.


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