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Green grass and flowers galore

Its time to pull out the shorts and tank tops!

No, wait, jeans and a sweatshirt. Oh, let me grab my raincoat while I’m at it.

Fickle Mother Nature in the spring, letting us wonder until the last minute what we need to bring with us when we leave the house in the morning.

Having been born and raised here, I have realized keeping at least a sweatshirt and probably a rain jacket in my car year-round is a sound idea.

And while we may be a tad frustrated at picking out a cute outfit the night before just to have those clothing choices nixed in the early morning fog, there is a huge benefit to what we’re going through.


Have you taken a spin south of town lately? That is my favorite springtime view, the red of the hills and the green of the grass for as far as the eye can see.

Throughout the canyon there are yellow and white flowers growing up to the foot of the cliffs and if you look really closely, the Indian Paintbrush with their red, pink and yellow hues are scattered on the slopes.

Lilacs are blooming all over town, adding a sweet smell to the air as you drive along with your window down, and gardeners are keeping a close eye on their new buds.

So while it may be a bit inconvenient deciding what to wear every day, the beautiful benefits we’re watching grow are well worth it.


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