Third grade students have been learning about the career opportunities available, what experience they might need and the salaries they can expect. Recently, they used this information to write about their future career plans.
When I grow up I'm going to be a foot solider. My job responsibilities are loyalty,duty,respect,personal courage,selfless service,integrity,and honer. My work environment is the battlefield. You need to be at least 18 or have a high school deploma. You will not make money but they will pay for your college. The future job outlook is projected to grow a lot. Similar occupations would be a medic,a submariner, the navy, and the air force. Not being afraid to kill enimys and knowing how to shoot a gun are skills. That's what I want to do when I grow up.
Ryan A.
When I go to college, I want to be a track and field professional. If I want to be one, I have to be fair, consistent, impartial, and I have to be a good sport which I am. If I become an olympian, I will have to travel all over the world to a track and field stadiums and do the sports I'm good at. If I get gold, I can get a lot of money. My only education is to finish high school! I could be one for a while as long as I'm past high school. I would be good at it because I'm already fast.
Trysten D.
What do you want to be? A welder, vet, teacher, anything? I want to be a computer programer. I am going to stop virses and make games. I will work in ofisses and in skyscapers. I will make sevendy one thousand seven hundred fifty seven dollars a year. A similar job is a hacker. I already look up cheat codes.
Lane M.
For my career I'm going to be a gemologist. If you are a gemologist you can get paid from 37,0000\55,0000! My job responsibilities are to study gems or stones. The work environment is anywhere in the world outdoors. To be a gemologist you have to know your rocks and be strong. The future outlook is -11% chance of getting to be a gemologist. Similar occupations are fashion desionsinor and industerties desionor. These are some qualities I already have are I know my rocks and I can carry a picaxe.
Davien M.
Today I am going to talk to you about what I want to be when I grow up. There will be a lot of wood work talk so I hope your interested. Read on to find out what I want to be when I grow up. I want to be a carpenter when I grow up because I am able to work with sharp tools. I like outdoors too and they usually work outside. You have to know area and perimeter good also, fractions because if somebody asked you to build something specific you have to know that. They get paid $34.90 per hour or more, per year they get paid $72,580. Job growth expection is 6 % for carpenters. Simalar jobs to carpentry are drilling, construction, and walls. That is all for my job I want to be. Thanks for reading!
Lilly Q.
When I get older want to be animator. One job responsibility is to be able to please other through art. You may think almost everything is different from almost every office but their only difference is the technology. If you want to be a animator you need a bachelor's degree which will take four years. The average earning of a animator is sixty-three thousand eight hundred dollars per year. Some people think the job is going to grow by eight percent. Some similar jobs are film and video editors and graphic designers. Two qualities I have to be a good animator are I love two draw(and am good at it)and I am creative. As you may see being a animator is a good to be.
Nathan Wille
What i will be when I grow up is a music teacher. I got the music tescher from Mis M, she is my music teacher and i love here. A music teacher teaches students. They teach music, instruments, and instrument notes. Music teachers teach at all kinds of schoolls like college, middle school, and elamenchy. You have to know math, music notes, and how to play instumentes. Also you need music teachers because you need to learn music. That is all of of my careers.
Hayden F.
In this paragraph you were going to be hear facts about a singer .Singers have to memorize their songs. Singers perform in arenas in concert halls. You have to have a bachelor's degree.They earn $30 an hour and $45,000-$65,000a year. Singers have two grow 5% from 2012 to 2022. Similar occupations are the Middle School teachers ,music directors and composers ,and producers and directors. I already have a nice singing voice and I am starting to memorize songs.
Alec M.
I want to be a construction worker. I will be in a lot of cities. I will destroy or build a lot of things.
Wiy I am going to be it is to build buildings. I am going to help people with homes.
Tannen B
When I grow up i'll need a career so my career when I grow up will be Dallas S.W.A.T. The job responsibilities are you CAN'T be drunk off work incase of a call. Another is to know how to shoot an M16 or AR15, there are lots more responsibilities. The environment where I will be working in will be Dallas Texas. My outlook for this job is good because my dad is a police officer and my dad used to be in the U.S Air Force and he used to be a bouncer in Washington.Similar careers are police officer, security, and Military.
Carter Mascorro
The job i want when i grow up is being a writer. The responsibilities i will have to do is get a agent,editors,and publishers. But the most thing i like is i get to stay home and work. To be a writer you have to go to college for two years. Average earnings you would get for a book is $55,420. The future job outlook would be at 2% if you were wondering. Also similar occupations would be a technical writer they don't earn as much as a full book writer. Last some traits i have that can help me with my job is i LOVE writing and making people happy.
Autumn Cornwell
A police officer's job responsibilities are they protect, serve, and enforce laws. There work environment is to patrol certain districts. The education or experience required is that you have to have two years at police academy. The average earning to a police officer is $59,680! The future outlook is 7 percent from 2016 to 2026.
Tristan A.
When I grow up I want to be a S.W.A.T. They also protect the community and other S.W.A.T men. Did you know S.W.A.T deal with dead bodies. They also have to learn how to shoot a shotgun and a Glock pistol and a sniper rifle. That is what I want to be when I grow up.
By Jonah
The job responsibilities of a baker are to mix and bake ingredients. To make sure that there are no spoiled or expired foods or goods. I will have to read recipes. I will have to bake and prepare goods and foods. The shop will have to have good opening and closing times. I will have to work in the hot and the cold. I will have to learn how to bake and charge. I will earn 20$ or higher a year. I will have to go to college to get a degree. This job will be able to get in the future. Similar things I can do are a cook a chef a head cook or a food preparation. Somethings that will help me in the future are I am good at cooking and baking things. I am good at coming up with ingredients to make new foods. I am good at making sweets.
I want to be a farmer when I grow up. They Grow crops and sale them. They live in big open areas. My experiences are you need to feed cattle. In a year they earn $66,360 that's a lot. That is what I want to be when I grow up.
Aubriana Layman
The job I chose to be when Im an adult is a farmer. The reason why I chose a farmer is because I love to farm. Now I am going to tell you about my future job. A farmer has to go to a place called FFA to teach you about farming. A farmer also takes care of animals too. Farmers also grow crops and then sell them. Most farmers live in big areas in the country. My experience about farming is feeding the animals,rising early to work and planting. The amount of money a farmer gets if the farm is good you will get 66,360 dollars!! People quit farming because the ran out of business. Also decline 2 percent from 2014-2024. The type of things that are like farming are gardening and the vets. Finally the thing that helps me become better is Aubri. That is all the facts about my future job.
Aleyna Robb
I want to be a scientist. I want to do this job so i can make machines ,robots and I can do experiments. I need to prepare for loud noises and explosions. I need a bachelor degree and four years of collage. That is what I want to be.
When I am older I will be a pop singer. There wont be to many responsibilities. I just need to keep a high reputation. Most of the time I will be in a limo or surounded by popurotsie. I will beed singing lessons very often. I will get 100,000 per month. The outlook is pretty good because there is never to much clebs. I think it will work out and even if it wont Im ready.
Today I'm going to tell you what I'm going to be when I grow up. I'm going to be A Preschool teacher. Now I'll tell you the stuff you need and get. Your job responsibilities are to provid a variety of materials, and to teach the children. The environment is the school and school playground. The experience you need is teaching, and the eduaction is college. You earn $54,310 a year. Some qualities I already possess that will help me be successful in my job are Math, reading, some sience, and creative.
Olivia B.
My career is the U.S. Air Force . The job responsibility is to save the U.S. witch is hard but we can do it . The work environment in a base or in a dangerous battlefields. The education you have to have is a bachelor degree. The average earning is $34,000 a year. My future job outlook is flying a plane. The similar occupations are the navy seals. The things that I will be successful at is flying a plane.
Hayden J.
I want to be a director. If I am in a movie I cannot mess up or I am fired. I have to be on a computer or use pencil and paper. I have to be able to write and type probably. The average amount of money I would get is $58,244. I can type and write and am a good art editor.
Anthony C.
The job that I would like is to be in the air force. I want to be a fighter pilot in the air force. One of the job responsibilities is having air traffic control headset. The work environment is everywhere. The education is you have to get is a college degree. The average earning is 55,036.80. And that is most of the facts I know.
I am going to work for SWAT. I got to work at the police station. Then I got to go to the police department. I go to the garage and then wate to work for SWAT. I get paid 96,660 a year.
James P.
When I am older I want to be a videogame designer. I want to be that because you get to design videogames. To prepare you need to get an A+ in art. A+'s in art are important because you need art in designing video games. This is why I want to be a videogame designer.
Alexice K.
My future career is a doctor. Let me tell you about doctors. Doctors are exposed to tell their patient about meds and health care. A doctor's environment is a clinic or a hospital. A doctor has a lot of school. They have 11 to 15 years. A doctor earns $230,00 to $281,000 each year. It will be hard to get to be a doctor. A similar job of a regular doctor is a military doctor.
Camden W.
When I grow up I want to be on the SWAT team. The SWAT team protects people and solves problems. I want to help people be safe. To be on thee SWAT team I have to have a high school education and 3 years experience in law enforcement. I will work in the city because that's where people need help. It is hard to get into the SWAT team. The growth is lower than average. Some similar jobs are, Army, sheriff, and police officer. Qualities I already have to help me to be good at my job are that I'm brave, kind and I like to help people.
Dalton R.
When I grow up I would like to be a welder. A welder joins metel parts together. If I was a welder I would work in a welding shop. I would need a high school diploma and go to community college. The demand for welding is growing and I can make $57.000 a year. A welder can also cut metal and solder things. I would be a welder because I love derby cars and it helps to weld.
Jaxon F.
I am going to be an astronaut when I grow up. You have to love hights. You have to go to space. You also have to have experiense. You get 50 grand a day. One quality I have that makes me succesful is that I can stand not breathing for awhile.
Max M.
First an astronaut will have to not be afraid of heights if they are they will never go to space or never go on the moon. My name is Jameson I want to be an astronaut. The work Environment is to be on the moon. The average salary is $64,724. The education is engineering and scientific positions. The leader has to listen to the commander that's the responsibility. The similar jobs are flying jet,plane,airplane,helicopter. I'm not afraid of heights because I've been on a very high ferris wheel.
Jameson D.
I would like to be a palentolagest. They look for fossils . I will be outside in the desert or forest. And they get paid $1200 and they will study fossils. They will help people and scientists.
Roman F.
I want to become a scintist and tell you some facts about a scientist's job. I can make $138,770 in a day. You need to go to lots of college. Another thing that is cool about the job is you can work anywhere. These things are cool and fun facts about a job for scintist.
Teancum G.
Job responsibilities to become a S.W.A.T is police. A work environment of a S.A.W.T is departments. Education or experience that is required is job outlook. The average amount of money earned is $105,000. Future job outlook of a S.A.W.T is 4 percent increase. Similar Occupations is 2024. Some qualities I already possess that will help me be successful at this job are being a good person. You do not have to go to college.
Kolby D.
The job I would want to do when I grow up is an olympic wrestler. One of the responsibilities is I have to go to practice every night. I would also have to eat healthy and pray before every match. The places I will work are all over the world. If I want to do this for a job I would have to start as soon as possible and practice every night. I can ern $25,000 ,15,000 10,000. I need to work hard. I could do caolage wrestling. I love wrestling and I am good at it.
Cannon B.
When I grow up I will be a PUZZLE FINDER. A puzzle finder is a mystery solver. I will solve a dead bird by my house. I like to solve puzzles. So this is my story about investigators.
William B.
My job I`m going to do is football. Some responsibilities are you have a specific role to play. Also you go on offence or defence. Then you do what you play as. You work at a big stadium. You need to be out of high school and for three years or play college football for three seasons. The average earning is $1.9 million. You can be very strong or be in the hall of fame. Similar occupations are college football. I`ll be very good in my job because I have good catching skills and am a very good wide receiver.
Stetson M.
I like being a soccer player because it is fun. The job responsibility is to have fun. The work environment is the soccer field and the goal is to score. You don't have to have a degree but you have to listen. You get paid 50,000 dollars a year. You have to be very strong. You can train a lot to improve yourself. I want to be a soccer player because it is fun to play.
Aidan F.
I want to be a profesional basketball player. You have to go to practicece every day. I work all around the United States. You have to know how to dunk, shoot 3ees, know how to do a laiup,and know how to shoot hoops. I get one million dollers if I work hard. I will have to work very hard. Similar to this sport are 3on3, 5on5, high school basketball and college basketball. I am learning how to dunk and make threes.
Mack B.
I will tell you information about a Vet. Vets have to like animals, be able to handle blood, and be able to handle all kind of weather. Their work environment are offences, ranches, and farms. The amount of college years are 4 in the U.S. Their average earning is 60,000 a year. The future job outlook for a vet is 9 o/o. The similar occupations are Zoologists, Medical scientist, Animal care and service. Some qualities I already have are loving animals and being able to deal with blood.
Annalyn S.
My job is going to be robotic engineer. A robotic engineer needs to oversee established producers. I will work in a offers. I need a bachelor's degree to be a robotic engineering. I will earn $98,830 per year. People need robotic engineers because robotic systems help people with disabilities. Drafter is the only similar occupation to a robotic engineer. Two qualities I already possess are I like to experiment with robots and like to work.
Kaden S.
I want to be a rancher. My job responsibilities will be growing up on a ranch and doing 4-H and I help with animals. The work environment I have been with animals my whole life. I have been growing up with animals my whole life . You earn $100,000 a year. Farmers need to be here, they help us a lot. Something that is a similar job is a farmer and a gardener.
Chloee O.
I am going to tell you about a vet. You have to deal with blood crying and more. Your responsibilities are treating animals. You have to work on a ranch, in offices and barns.
You have to go to college for 4 years of college. For a year you get $88,490 dollars. Ranchers or trainers are similar jobs. I live as one on a ranch.
Summer G.
I want to be a vet when I am older. But first I have to get a bachelor degree. I may get $52,470 or $161,070 a year. If I do not become a vet I will either become a vet assistant or a daughter. Some skills that may help you become a vet is to be nice with the animals and have your 4 years of college. We may have to do surgery. The work environment is anywhere.
Ella S.
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