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Thank a peace officer

In 1962, President John F. Kennedy signed a proclamation designating May 15 as Peace Officers Memorial Day and the week in which it falls as Police Week.

We are fortunate in a small town to know each of our officers, both police and sheriff’s department, if not by name, then by face, even when we run into them at the grocery store or a school function.

Small town officers don’t often get the respect or recognition they deserve because crime rates are so low and its not very often something ‘exciting’ happens.

However, they have shown, especially in the last few weeks, with the capture of a Kansas fugitive and the handling of an attempted murder just outside of town, that they are prepared for anything that may come their way.

Of course, not everyone sees law enforcement with the same eye, and that is to be expected, but we often forget they are human – they have families and homes, friends and hobbies, just like everyone else.

So this week, let’s give them a smile or a handshake. Let them know we appreciate having them around keeping us safe.


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