During the regular monthly meeting of Hot Springs Travel and Tourism, Director Amanda Moeller reported they had received another high deposit of lodging tax receipts for the 2017-18 fiscal year. The May deposit was $12,890.73, compared to $7,913.54 this time last fiscal year.
The deposit put the receipts for the fiscal year at five percent, or $8,460.29, higher than this time last year. Moeller also noted three of the four highest deposits this fiscal year are all exactly two months after the end of a quarter. She speculated that those with vacation rentals are filing their receipts quarterly.
Moeller also reported on a special meeting regarding a reduction in funding for special events. Almost all of the events were represented, she said, and while she perceived an air of disappointment nobody “freaked out” about their funding was being reduced. Also during that meeting, Moeller said it was made clear that the events are still supported and there will still be added value marketing through radio spots and billboards.
The meeting also spurred some discussion about new funding opportunities and possible collaborations among event planners.
A question that came out of the special meeting was whether the Travel and Tourism Board would allow use of already allocated funds for website improvements. It was indicated at Tuesday’s meeting that the board would allow such use for the funds.
Recently, Moeller spoke to Thermopolis Town Council and the Hot Springs County Commissioners regarding a lodging study that shows hotel occupancy on a steady decline for the past several years.
The decline does factor into the reduction of funds for special events.
Moeller said the commissioners seemed to be much more accepting of the information than the town council. She thought the council might have thought she was asking for money and reassured them that was not the case. The council and commission will be making appointments to the Travel and Tourism Board at their first meetings in June.
Moeller also reported that Harley Rhodes has been in touch with her about possibly providing services to the board for social media. She said putting the position out for bids and hiring someone to keep on top of the social media scene would be a good idea.
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