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FFA, community members honored at banquet

Monday night saw the 80th annual FFA Awards Banquet, with 25 members and 152 guests in attendance. Following a dinner at the Hot Springs County High School ag building, those attending traveled to the auditorium for the awards ceremony.

Among the important parts of Thermopolis FFA activities and programs are community, chapter and student development. Students work diligently all year to fulfill the requirements of the chapter application. This year the chapter earned a Two Star rating, and they are consistently one of the top chapters in the state of Wyoming.

Most of the students' spring is designated to competing in Career Development Events (CDEs). The contests are always challenging and competitive. Due to their hard work and dedication, the Thermopolis FFA was very competitive in these events. The competition in Wyoming CDEs is very tough; most contests have 40 to 50 schools working to win.

Among those recognized were:

•The Agricultural Issues team of Kaitlyn Schmuck, Jeffery VanAntwerp, Hannah Hurley, Josi Thurgood, Mary Ryan, Tyne Vialpando and Lauren Reed. The team placed second at the FFA State Convention.

•The Meats Judging team of Remington Ferree, Riley Shaffer and Spencer Axtell. This year the team placed 18th at State Convention, and the high scorer was Axtell.

•The Livestock Judging team of Strite Daniels, Barbara Kissel, Audrey Axtell and Rebekah Johnson. This year the team collectively placed 17th in the state, and the high scorer of the team was Daniels, who also took 11th in Reasons. Kissel tied for first in Female Selection.

•The Junior High Livestock Judging team of Morgan Slover, Autumn Brawley, Will Clark and Hadley Johnson. They placed third at the state contest.

•The Junior High Poultry Judging team of McCoy Longwell, Jase Longwell, Anthony Sword and Roedy Farrell. They placed second at the state contest.

•The Environmental and Natural Resource (ENR) team of Spencer Axtell, Remington Ferree, Logan Shumway and Riley Shaffer. At state Convention they placed 17th overall and seventh in the team problem. The team high scorer was Ferree.

•The Horse team of Emme Norsworthy, Kaitlyn Schumuck and Kiara Warman. The team was 27th in the state.

•Remington Ferree and Oakley Bowman as the creed speakers. Ferree advanced on to regionals but was short of making it to state this year.

•Jeffery VanAntwerp and Hunter Bartholomew competed in Extemporaneous. VanAntwerp advanced to the Regional contest, but did not make it to state. Chase White wrote and memorized a prepared speech. White was third at districts and did a great job of representing the chapter at Regionals.

•The Greenhand quiz bowl team of Rebekah Johnson, Remington Ferree, and Emme Norsworthy. The team placed 18th at state. The Greenhand quiz bowl is for freshman and sophomores that have earned their greenhand degree or are on track to earn their greenhand degree. The greenhands competing in the quiz bowl test their knowledge on the history of FFA.

•Remington Ferree as the recipient of the Star Greenhand award. The award is the most prestigious award one can receive in your first year as an FFA member.

This year Mary Ryan competed in the Job Interview CDE, making it to the semifinals. This is a contest that is set up for a student to go through a series of interviews and are very similar to obtaining a job.

Dr. Kevin Dickey helped coach the Vet Science team this year. This is a new contest and it is very tough. The amount of knowledge needed to know is unbelievable. Rebekah Johnson, Barb Kissel, Kiara Warman and Audrey Axtell were on the team and placed 27th.

A.M. Hartwig was the very first Ag teacher at Hot Springs County High School in 1938. In honor of his outstanding influence on the Hot Springs County High School Agriculture Education Program, those individuals who have gone above and beyond to help Thermopolis FFA members were recognized. The following individuals will be inscribed on the plaque that will hang in the agriculture classroom in the high school: ​Ryan Brothers Trucking, Joey Johnson, Bartholomew Well Service, Mr. and Mrs. Van Heule, Nate and Shannon Myers, and Breez and Troy Daniels.

Over the past year, many FFA members have shown leadership in many different ways. With all the activities that our FFA chapter has taken on, these members have shown that they have what it takes to be dedicated to the largest youth organization in the country. The chapter strives to develop and train leaders, and these young individuals have proven to us that they are destined for great things. Those receiving pins were freshman Rebekah Johnson, sophomore Audrey Axtell, junior Kiara Warman and senior Josi Thurgood.

Senior awards were given to Tyne Vialpando, Strite Daniels, Hannah Hurley, Josi Thurgood, Lauren Reed, Kaitlyn Schmuck, Koy Myers and Mary Ryan.

Those recognized for maintaining a high grade-point average while being involved in sports and/or activities were:

•Jeffery Van Antwerp and Mary Ryan, 4.0 GPA

•Barbara Kissel, Josi Thurgood, Lauren Reed, Tyne Vialpando, Oakley Bowman, Rebekah Johnson, Monte Love, Emme Norsworthy, Audrey Axtell and Chase White, 3.5-3.9 GPA

•Hannah Hurley, Hunter Bartholomew, Riley Shaffer, Logan Shumway, Strite Daniels, Kaitlyn Schmuck, John Maier, Cody Mayfield, Remington Ferree, Chance Huffstetler, 3.0-3.49 GPA

Every year, honorary members are inducted in the FFA. This year, honorees include Bob and Carrie Ryan, James and Jessica Slagle, Cheb and Lola Vialpando, Roger and Ellen Reed, Bruce and Heidi Thurgood, Rhyan Schmuck and Danyell Hadfield, Mrs. Becky Martinez, and Dr. Kevin Dickey.

There are several requirements members have to meet in order to earn their letter and letterman's bar(s). Lettering in the FFA is in its third year in Thermopolis and it is one of the few programs in the state. Requirements are: having received a Greenhand pin, competed at a state level activity, having a 2.5 GPA, no chapter debt, having attended five chapter activities, never losing active status, and wearing official dress to all chapter meetings and required functions.

Those receiving a letter and one bar were Oakley Bowman, Emme Norsworthy, Remington Ferree, and Rebekah Johnson.

The FFA Alumni presented scholarships in amounts of: $750 to Strite Daniels, $500 each to Tyne Vialpando and Mary Ryan and $250 to Koy Myers.

The newly-elected chapter officers were also introduced. Among them are President Barb Kissel, Vice President Jeffrey VanAntwerp, Secretary Audrey Axtell, Reporter Rebekah Johnson, Treasurer Emme Norsworthy and Sentinel Remington Ferree.


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