May is officially here, and among the various celebrations coming in the next few weeks graduation and the end of the school year are certainly among the more prominent.
Since I’m still 12 years off from celebrating my own kids’ graduation, I typically enjoy attending ceremonies for the children of friends and family. But, before all the festivities begin it’s good to hear what senior students are going to be up to next year.
That’s what I got when I attended the signing day this week. Watching as the seniors each signed their names to future commitments, whether they be the working world, military or post-secondary education, took me back to my own senior year and the campus visits, the weighing of pros and cons and the final applications and signatures.
For all those who have made their decisions for what to do beyond the halls of Hot Springs County High School, I applaud you for taking that next step. But let’s not downplay those who didn’t put their signature to paper. I know all our seniors have an idea of what they want to do when their high school days are over.
So, to the seniors I say enjoy these next few exciting weeks and count down the days to your last class. When you get beyond the doors of HSCHS, however, remember to keep yourselves flexible. Though you might have plans in place for what your future is to be, don’t forget the little bumps that could cause you to alter your direction a bit and, in any case, make the most of the trip.
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