The Hot Springs Veterinary Clinic will hold its annual rabies clinic on Wednesday, May 2 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. This provides an opportunity to get your pet’s vaccination up-to-date, though if you can’t make it on that day or need your pet examined, call the office at 864-5553 to make an appointment for the same fees sometime the week of the clinic.
The Thermopolis animal control office will also be selling licenses at a reduced fee, but only on May 2. A current rabies vaccination record is necessary to obtain a pet license.
According to the town code, it is unlawful for any person to own, keep or harbor any dog or cat over three months of age within the town, unless such dog or cat is licensed and vaccinated for rabies. A dog or cat shall be initially vaccinated for rabies at the age of three months, and shall again be vaccinated one year thereafter, and then shall be vaccinated every two years.
Each dog and cat owner shall obtain from a licensed veterinarian a durable rabies vaccination tag and a certificate of vaccination for each dog and cat owned, which shall be kept current and effective.
Application for a license must be made within 30 days after obtaining a dog or cat over three months of age, except that non-residents may keep an unlicensed dog or cat within the town up to 60 days. Written application shall be to the town clerk and shall include the animal’s name, breed, color, age, and sex.
Both rabies vaccination tags and license tags must be attached to the dog’s collar, and worn at all times. Neither tag is transferable. Both rabies vaccination tags and license tags must be attached to the cat’s collar and worn at all times.
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