The revitalization of an American institution, the American Legion, will begin in Thermopolis this Saturday at the VFW.
According to District 4 Commander Jerry Clark, the Thermopolis post was established on October 18, 1919, but has not been active in town for some years.
This weekend they are inviting all veterans to come down to the VFW starting at 10 a.m., where they will be available to get the ball rolling on getting our post back in action.
“There is so much we can do for our veterans,” Clark said. “We’ll elect a new commander and get him trained, start having monthly meetings and start taking care of our veterans.
“We can do things on Flag Day, Veteran’s Day – sit and talk with our veterans in the nursing home. Maybe just have a glass of lemonade and a chat, anything that will let them know they are not forgotten.”
The American Legion sponsors Boy’s and Girl’s State each year as well as shooting teams and an oratory contest, just to name a few.
“We’ll get a ladies auxiliary started,” Clark said. “We also have Sons of the American Legion for the sons of soldiers and even American Legion Riders, those who ride motorcycles.
“We are a community organization and we’re here to help the community and our veterans any way we can.”
American Legion members from District 4 will be holding their district convention while they’re here with folks from Worland, Basin, Greybull, Powell, Lovell, Meeteetse, Heart Mountain and Cody.
Any former Legion member or veteran is welcome to come on Saturday. The VA van will be in the parking lot along with someone who can work with veterans on eye care and glasses.
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