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Time to talk about mosquito control

The Hot Springs County Commissioners met with two representatives from the State of Wyoming’s Public Health Division to discuss changes to contracts the county has had with them for years.

While the contracts themselves are not changing much, what is changing is a consolidation of three contracts into one single contract.

There are no changes to things like maternal and child care, funding for emergency preparedness or nursing services, just to name a few.

Funding for Public Health appears to be remaining fairly flat, with local director Marie McDougall saying her funding rose by just a couple of thousand dollars this year.

On the horizon is a prevention contract that will be moved away from prevention management for alcohol, drugs and tobacco use and put in the hands of the various counties to control.

In addition, $1.5 million has been added to the suicide prevention portion of the circle and it will be up to the counties to determine who is going to manage the entire program. More details should be available in the next few weeks.

Lindsey Woodward with Hot Springs County Weed and Pest requested their second mill from the commissioners in preparation for mosquito season.

Woodward said the plan is not going to change much from last season with ground crews, two or three aerial sprays plus ground fogging in certain areas. Of course, a lot of the work is dependent on how much water we get through the spring.

If residents are having an issue with mosquitos on their property, there are portable foggers that are available for loan from weed and pest.

In a final piece of business, the commissioners agreed to sign a letter of support for the Hospital District as they apply for a 30-year loan from the USDA for reconstruction and building of a new addition to the hospital.


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