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Jackson sentenced on DUI

Monday in Hot Springs District Court, Scott D. Jackson pleaded guilty to fourth offense driving under the influence.

The charge is from a June 9 incident. According to court documents, an officer was notified of an intoxicated driver.

The officer observed the suspect not stopping at a stop sign and affected a traffic stop. Jackson showed signs of impairment and did not obey the officer’s commands, and further refused a preliminary breath test and performance of field sobriety maneuvers.

Prior conviction dates of Jackson for DUI include Nov. 8, 2007, March 9, 2014 and July 21, 2016.

Following his plea, Jackson was sentenced on the charge to three to five years in prison. That sentence was suspended for five years unsupervised probation, during which Jackson must attend and complete family drug court and wear a SCRAM continuous alcohol monitoring bracelet.


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