Everyone could use a little mystery in their life and the Big Horn Basin Riders (BHBR) are going to provide you an evening with a bit of mystery and lots of fun.
The Masquerade Freedom Ball will be held on Saturday, March 17, starting at 7 p.m. at the VFW, featuring a DJ from San Francisco along with baked goods, a 50/50 raffle, roses for your sweetheart and BHBR glasses and bandanas for sale.
As a casual evening, you can dress up or dress down, but bring your dancing shoes.
The event is being held as a fundraiser for the group to help send care packages to our troops overseas.
Open to everyone, not just motorcycle riders, the group meets the first Thursday of every month at the VFW Post in Worland to pack boxes for the troops. They send out anywhere from 20-50 boxes a month at a cost of about $700 for shipping.
They send the care packages not only to soldiers from the Big Horn Basin, but beyond, filled with various items like magazines, canned goods, snacks, candy, clothes and more, all donated by citizens.
At Christmas, the group sends two boxes to each soldier, one with supplies and the other with Christmas presents.
Donations for the boxes are always welcome and can be dropped off locally at Owl Lumber, the Days Inn or O’Reilly Auto Parts.
If you have a family member that is deployed, you can get their name on the list to receive a box each month as well.
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