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Crossing guards appreciated

Just like everyone else, sometimes my mornings don’t start out the greatest.

Maybe I forgot to set the timer on the coffee pot or I woke up later than usual, you know, the kinds of things that make you grumpy right off the bat.

I have to say, though, regardless of how my morning starts, somewhere around 7:45 I always have a smile on my face.

I don’t know who she is, I don’t know her name, but she is there on the corner by the church, Monday through Friday, rain, snow or sunshine, helping our students cross the street.

And every day, I get a smile on my face as she waves to me as I pass by.

Sure, she waves at everybody, but for those few seconds as we’re waving to each other, its just us sharing a good morning.

We really have to give our crossing guards a lot of credit.

Not only are they keeping our kids safe as they’re crossing the street, but they are out there in the most brutal conditions. This week is a perfect example. Single digit temperatures and snow, and yet there they are, guiding our little ones to school as safely as possible.

That’s got to be kind of a scary job I would think. Stepping out into oncoming traffic with nothing more than a hand-held stop sign. That takes guts.

So kudos to our crossing guards for all they do in all kinds of weather. Thank you for helping our kids.

And here’s to tomorrow morning when I’ll have a smile on my face to start my day, all from a friendly wave.


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