On the Record policy
It is the Thermopolis Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police department” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Sheriff’s office
Tuesday, Feb. 20
9:08 p.m. Patricia L. Peterson was arrested for alleged driving under the influence.
Wednesday, Feb. 21
10:02 a.m. A marijuana pipe was found in the Big Springs area and turned over to law enforcement.
Sunday, Feb. 25
12:27 a.m. Report of a wreck in the buffalo pasture involving a juvenile driver.
4:37 a.m. Report of burning and littering on BLM land. The matter was turned over to BLM.
Monday, Feb. 26
2:09 a.m. Complainant reported a subject with a dog had knocked on the door and asked if he could sleep on the couch. The subject was turned away.
5:40 p.m. A female subject claimed someone had broken into her house and beat her up, but there was no indication of forced entry.
Police department
Tuesday, Feb. 20
10:05 a.m. A juvenile was cited for minor in possession of tobacco.
12:20 p.m. Report of a possible fraud involving a money transfer through an online dating site.
Wednesday, Feb. 21
Unknown time: Mathew Halbert was arrested for alleged failure to appear regarding a charge of driving under the influence.
4:06 p.m. Report of a traffic incident, which is under investigation.
4:54 p.m. A cell phone was found and turned in.
Thursday, Feb. 22
2:22 p.m. Earl S. Bell was arrested on a warrant.
4:06 p.m. Report of a vehicle battery dropped in the middle of the street. The town shop disposed of it.
4:15 p.m. A subject was stopped for speeding and cited for speeding in a school zone and possession of marijuana.
4:21 p.m. Drug-related incident, which is under investigation.
7:08 p.m. Accident in a parking lot during which one vehicle backed into another. Estimated damage was under $1,000.
10:04 p.m. Report of suspicious activity. The matter is under investigation.
Friday, Feb. 23
12:06 p.m. Report of a burglary, which is under investigation.
4:45 p.m. Officer located some drug paraphernalia.
8:08 p.m. Subject reported an intruder in a church. The report was unfounded.
8:56 p.m. Keifer A. Tuzicka was arrested for alleged possession of marijuana and methamphetamine.
9:55 p.m. Tamera J. Rollins was arrested for alleged driving under suspension.
11:19 p.m. REDDI report, though the driver was contacted and determined to not be intoxicated.
Saturday, Feb. 24
6:15 p.m. Two keys on a ring were located on the sidewalk near the courthouse.
Sunday, Feb. 25
5:24 p.m. Complainant reported a loud noise. The officer was able to track the noise to someone playing loud music.
Monday, Feb. 26
2:57 p.m. Report of a parking lot accident, during which a driver attempting to park struck the bumper of another vehicle.
Marriage licenses
Michael Stevens and Lucy Ralph, both of Thermopolis.
Joseph Babcock and Talynn Colman, both of Thermopolis.
Derrick Burrows of Thermopolis and JaNeen Gonclaves of Worland.
Cora Lee Shafer was born Thursday, February 15, 2018, at Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital to Shasta and John Shafer of Nevada.
She weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces, and was 19.5 inches long.
Grandparents are Robert and JoAnn Myers of Wyoming and Doug and Janet Shafer of Nevada.
Property transfers
Warranty Deed: Allen Market and Kylee Market to GC Properties Inc., the South 70 feet of Lots 13 and 14, Block 44, Original Townsite to the Town of Thermopolis.
Warranty Deed: Bonnie Whitt to Kenneth Whitt, Lots 6, 7 and 8, Block 8, Original Town of Kirby.
Matthew Ryan and Kristin Ryan to Sean Ryan, a parcel located in the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 2, Township 42 North, Range 95 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian.
Warranty Deed: Laura Davis to Kevin Mosser and Ana Mosser, Lots 16, 17 and 18, Block 47, Original Town of Thermopolis.
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