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MathCounts team qualifies for state

The Thermopolis Middle School MathCounts team recently placed third at the northwest district competition, qualifying them for state competition hosted by the University of Wyoming's College of Engineering and Applied Science on March 3.

The team also had two students place in the top 10. Josiah Butler placed second in the overall and second in the countdown round, and Jacob Randall placed 10th in the overall.

Emmy Hergert, who coaches the MathCounts team along with Stephanie Metz and Ayni McGee, explained the speed round is similar to a spelling bee. A problem is placed between two students, who compete to solve it first.

Hergert said she was really proud of the students' performance, but also their commitment to the MathCounts program as they are willing to volunteer their time and come in at 7:30 a.m. on Fridays. Students are not necessarily the best math students, she said, but are those who want some math enrichment.

Thermopolis Middle School placed behind Powell and Trinity Lutheran of Riverton at the district competition.


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