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Petroglyph site in need of volunteers

Outside the attractions that bring people into Thermopolis, there is also plenty in the surrounding area to see and do. Among those is the Legend Rock petroglyph site, open every day from May 1-Sept. 30, and volunteers are essential.

Hot Springs State Park Superintendent Kevin Skates said, “We’re really looking for volunteers that want to camp out there and stay out there.” Though the months of July and August are covered by a couple from Texas, volunteers are still needed for May, June and September.

Skates noted there are full hookups for water, sewer and electricity at the site, as well as a pad, and he’s looking for anyone who wants to camp at the site for a day, week, month or more. Volunteers can use their own campers, but the State Park has a 25-foot trailer available to use as well, with a kitchen area, bed, air conditioning and other amenities. Volunteers must bring their own food, clothing and toiletries.

Volunteers would be responsible for opening and closing the gate to the site, and keeping it open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., as well as opening and closing the visitor center and cleaning the restroom and grounds. Last year, there were no volunteers, Skates said, so the visitor center remained closed. “That’s not what we like. We want to get the visitor center open and have people enjoy the whole thing out there.”

Volunteers also receive orientation on the site, and many volunteers have wanted to do tours as well. “We’ll go as far as they want to go,” Skates said, “as far as knowledge and tours if they feel comfortable with that.”

Site hosts will work five days a week and open and close the site and visitor center.

Day volunteers are also needed to fill in for the camp hosts when they have their days off. 

People can volunteer as individuals or as couples if they choose. Anyone interested in helping fill the spots can contact Skates at 307-921-2057 or email

Legend Rock can be found by heading out on Highway 120 to Cody about 25 miles out, then follow West Cottonwood Creek Road for about eight miles and take Legend Rock Road down to the site.


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