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Stroll with your sweetheart

The Second Friday ArtStroll/Still Strolling Saturday in downtown Thermopolis, February 9 and 10, is an opportunity to be “Strolling with your Sweetheart” from 5-8 p.m. There will be artists showing and selling their creations, along with musicians, at the businesses and a special art activity on Friday evening.

Still Strolling Saturday continues Saturday during regular business hours. This will be another busy Stroll weekend in Thermopolis. In addition to Smoking Waters Art Guild’s ArtStroll, other community organizations have events planned for the weekend.

“Love is a canvas furnished by Nature and embroidered by imagination” wrote Voltaire, French writer, historian and philosopher. This month’s ArtStroll presents opportunities to share the joy of creativity and imagination, along with special activities and entertainment. Strollers will find great Valentine gifts for the special people in their lives.Hot Springs County Museum and Cultural Center will be the base for a Make and Take Valentine for the special someone in your life on Friday evening.

Thermopolis Print Zone and Copy Shop/Discover Thermopolis, the host business, features Beth Stehlin and Bob Stehlin as part of the kick-off of the new gallery space in his shop. Beth Stehlin creates hand-embroidered notecards and will have a selection for Valentine’s Day. Beth’s husband Bob is an avid woodturner. Strollers can also check out additional local artists’ works as part of a changing display. Susan Turnbull will have a quilt display and there will also be music by The Songbirds.

On up Broadway, Gayle Phipps will be showing her paintings. Painter and pastel artist Angela Siems will showcase her work as well, and Marcia Nelson will have her fused glass works. The ArtStroll will also feature artists Michael Balog, who will show his photographs of the Wind River Canyon, and Brenda Boren, with her wall hangings and centerpieces.

Cindi Dragon will showcase her ceramic and glass works, which will be for sale through February. Repurposed art, Ana Moser’s jewelry, the Hospital Auxiliary Valentine Bake Sale are also part of the fun, along with musician Harold Hutson and friends. Also in the musical vein, Jerry Ward from Corpus Christi, Texas, will perform country western and classic rock tunes from 8-11 p.m.

Don’t forget to take a turn onto north Fifth Street for some repurposed art and demonstrations. Also, many businesses will be offering “Store Stroll Specials.”

On Still Strolling Saturday, indulge your chocolate cravings at the Friends of the Library Chocolate Lover’s Dream fundraisier, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. at the County Library. Stroll the downtown shops again and then head over to the County Museum and Historical Society and hear our own Merlin Heinze tell his story in a program called From Gators to Buffalo Robes. The free program starts at 2 p.m. and is open to all. Light refreshment served.

Later on Saturday evening, come out to support our local firemen at The Fireman’s Ball, where Jerry Ward will be performing again. The festivities take place at the VFW and run from 9 p.m.-2 a.m.

Strollers are encouraged to pick up a map at any stroll business to find the location of artists and musicians. Return the map to the host business at the end of Friday evening’s stroll to be entered to win a piece of artwork donated by the artists.

The Second-Friday ArtStroll and Still Strolling Saturday are organized by Hot Springs Greater Learning Foundation and Smoking Waters Art Guild with additional help from Main Street Thermopolis, Hot Springs Travel & Tourism, and local businesses.


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