On the Record policy
It is the Thermopolis Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police department” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
The story “Chamber to help liaison cycling event” in the Jan. 25 edition should read that the Chamber of Commerce banquet theme is “An Evening with the Stars.”
Regarding the “Turn for the worse” picture in the Jan. 25 edition, it was clarified that one of the vehicles was already in the intersection when the southbound vehicle struck it.
Sheriff’s office
Tuesday, Jan. 23
3:04 p.m. Deputy provided an assist with Department of Family Services.
Wednesday, Jan. 24
6:27 p.m. Report of a family fight in the area of Black Mountain Road. Upon arrival, the deputy was able to get things under control and separate the parties.
Thursday, Jan. 25
6:23 p.m. Report of a vehicle not maintaining its lane of travel on Highway 20 North. The suspect vehicle could not be located.
Friday, Jan. 26
4:05 p.m. Civil standby provided on Black Mountain Road while items were retrieved.
Police department
Tuesday, Jan. 23
7:06 a.m. Officer assisted a subject who was experiencing hallucinations.
3:11 p.m. Subject reported a stalker. All parties involved were contacted and it was a simple misunderstanding.
3:22 p.m. Report of a vehicle driving through a stop sign. The driver was contacted and cited.
Wednesday, Jan. 24
11:37 a.m. Hanes M. Hall was arrested at the behest of Probation and Parole.
3:35 p.m. Report of a hit-and-run accident. A state accident report was filed.
10:47 p.m. Jade D. Cole was arrested for alleged driving under the influence.
Thursday, Jan. 25
9:40 a.m. Subject reported receiving unsolicited checks in the mail. The checks were determined to be fraudulent and part of a scam.
Friday, Jan. 26
8:59 a.m. Lacey D. Raney was arrested for alleged probation violation.
3:05 p.m. REDDI report on a WYDOT vehicle. The suspect vehicle could not be located, though WYDOT is conducting its own investigation.
Saturday, Jan. 27
5:52 p.m. Report of an intoxicated subject causing a conflict in a home.
Sunday, Jan. 28
1:58 p.m. Complainant reported someone trying to get into his home. The suspect was later contacted at a different location and showed signs of, and admitted to, being under the influence. Eugene A. Critelli was arrested for alleged possession and use of a controlled substance.
8:48 p.m. Report of a subject issuing threats toward another.
Nash Cooper Taylor was born Thursday, January 25, 2018, at Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital to Kinley and Joshua Taylor of Thermopolis.
He weighed 9 pounds, 9 ounces, and was 20.5 inches longs.
Grandparents are Donna and Jere Apland and Elaine and Leonard Taylor, all of Wyoming.
Circuit court
Frederico F. Torres was found guilty of possession of a controlled substance, use of a controlled substance and interference with a peace officer and was sentenced to 365 days in jail with one year supervised probation. Fees and fines are $715.
Joseph B. Watkins was found guilty of two counts of driving under the influence and was sentenced to 180 days in jail with 178 days suspension and two years supervised probation. Fees and fines are $1,060.
Tyler D. Asay was bound over to District Court on charges of possession of a controlled substance, third or more offense, and possession of a controlled narcotic substance.
Shane L. Boren was found guilty of property destruction under $1,000 and was sentenced to 30 days in jail with 24 days suspension and six months unsupervised probation. Fees and fines are $190. Restitution is $100.
Jacquelyn M. Tuttle was found guilty of two counts of shoplifting under $1,000, two counts of interference with a peace officer and one count of driving under suspension and was sentenced to 180 days in jail with 128 days suspension and one year supervised probation. Fees and fines are $860.
Shanna Stubbs was found guilty of pedestrian under the influence of alcohol or controlled substance and was sentenced to 10 days in jail with nine days suspension and six months unsupervised probation. Fees and fines are $205.
Property transfers
Quitclaim Deed: Helen Hall to Jimmy Hall, Lot 23 and 24, Block 1, East Thermopolis.
Warranty Deed: Jeffrey Pedersen and Gretchen Pedersen to Kyle Hatch and Jocelyn Hatch, Lot 5, Longwell Ranch Subdivision.
Special Warranty Deed: MidFirst Bank to The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development of Washington D.C., Lots 1 and 2, the South 30 feet of Lot 3 an the East 8 feet of the North 110 feet of Lot 3, Block 39, Original Town of Thermopolis.
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