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Baby Steps program provides support

Monday mornings Tricia McPhie, the maternal child health nurse with Hot Springs County Public Health, regularly meets with four moms to provide information and discussion through a program called Baby Steps.

McPhie explained Baby Steps began about a year ago as a breastfeeding support group for mothers, then as the kids got older it "blossomed" into an hour of education, support and socialization for moms. She is also on-hand to connect mothers with the community resources available to them.

The program is done through the Public Health office, with meetings every Monday at Storyteller. McPhie expressed appreciation to Ellen Reed of the business, as it provides a warm atmosphere for the group. Reed also provided toys for the kids to play with.

Baby Steps is available free to all new moms. McPhie said they can simply show up to a Monday meeting if they choose. There is no age limit for children, but it is a bit tailored to younger and less active due to the smaller meeting space. When it gets warmer in the summer, the meetings will also include some walks, helping encompass a physical aspect for mothers.

There is no limit as to how many moms can come to the meetings, and McPhie tries to follow the lead of where mothers are at in their stage of life and provide what they're looking for.

In addition to the information McPhie provides - covering topics such as safe sleep, how to deal with exhaustion and signs of illness - there are also guest speakers, primarily community members that can provide information to connect moms to local resources available to them.

Next week, there will be a nutritionist to speak about healthy meals for kids who are picky eaters. The following week, they will head to the armory to let kids run around and "still provide an opportunity for moms to get together and talk about joys and challenges of being a mom."

McPhie is also a certified lactation counselor and teaches breastfeeding and neonatal classes. Those who want additional information or to get signed up for a class can contact Hot Springs County Public Health at 864-3311, or visit their Facebook page.


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