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The Templar of teeth

As any parent knows, one of the responsibilities that comes with having children is making sure visits from the Tooth Fairy happen. That little pixie had already visited my five-year-old twice, but I guess he wanted another chance to try and spot her so after a bit of amateur dental surgery he successfully removed his latest loose tooth.

Now, in the past, the Tooth Fairy has left coins, but this time she decided to go with paper money. She didn’t know Mike is a big fan of shows and movies where the protagonists follow series of clues to the big treasure.

Taking a cue from Ben Gates, he informed me that what he got was not just money, but the “first clue.” I didn’t know we had a buried treasure in our home, but I also never realized my kids were sleeping on the map. Apparently following the right path of ninja turtles and teddy bears will lead you to that ultimate prize.

Of course, his little brother offered the invaluable services of his “scenter” to sniff out those clues and keep them on the right path.

It took all of about 15 minutes for this intrepid duo to find and collect their part of the “national treasure,” but since I wasn’t part of the expedition I didn’t get to share in it. But, that’s okay, since I learned their find was somewhere in their play room and that’s one place I don’t think even the bravest explorer would venture.


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