The beautiful white snow we looked so forward to in December in anticipation of a visit from Santa has now turned into the gray, frozen, muddy icky-ness of January.
For the most part, roads in town are pretty clear with a few exceptions here and there, thanks in a big part to our Town crews out there taking care of things. They are definitely out there early in the morning as we at the Independent Record see them trying to get the south side of the downtown area cleared up as we’re coming to work each day.
Mother Nature has had her hand in it too, teasing us with a few days of warmer temperatures, then dropping the chill on us, leaving behind a bit more ice each time.
The good news is, spring is just around the corner. The official date is just 35 days away and soon we’ll be seeing the daffodils and crocus peeking their bright heads out of the snow.
Easter is on the horizon, the promise of green grass sure to follow.
Before you know it, we’ll be complaining about the heat and having to mow the lawn.
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