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Flu update for HSC

Every day now we’re hearing stories from across the country about the toll this year’s flu season is having on citizens, especially children.

We are fortunate to report that as of Tuesday, there have been a total of six cases in Hot Springs County over the last two weeks, none of which have been severe enough to be life threatening or require hospitilization, according to Red Rock Family Practice.

Of course, this is probably just the starting edge of the flu season here, so it is a good idea to know what the symptoms are so you can get treatment as soon as possible.

Be on the lookout for fatigue, body aches and chills, a cough and sore throat, fever and gastrointestinal problems. If gastrointestinal problems persist, dehydration can be a dangerous complication.

The symptoms in children are a bit different, including not drinking enough fluids, crying with no tears, not waking up or interacting, being unable to eat, having a fever with a rash and difficulty urinating.

Always err on the side of caution with small children, especially when a fever is involved.

There is still some vaccine available at the clinic.

For about the last month, viral gastroenteritis has been an issue in the county, but with the exception of a lingering cough, most are over the roughest symptoms.

Now, Red Rock says, it appears upper respiratory issues are on the rise.

Those symptoms will include stuffiness, congestion, runny nose, low grade fever, post-nasal drip and a cough. In small children, this can lead to croup.


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