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First baby of 2018 welcomed

"I am your father." These four words are well known in the cinematic industry and to science fiction fans worldwide. But for Zenas A.P. Crees, they'll have a lifetime of use. And it's fitting for his two boys, whose names come from "a galaxy far, far away."

Crees and wife Amanda Eveland welcomed newborn Ares Dylan Han-solo Crees at 8:48 a.m. Jan. 8. He weighed seven pounds, 10.4 ounces and was 19.5 inches long, with a head circumference of 14 inches.

Also welcoming him to the family was his brother, Apollo Joe Boba-fett Crees. With such names, their dad said they might definitely have some fun rivalries in the future. While he's been told the boys might get ridiculed, he's proud their named after two of the toughest characters in the universe.

And that's only their middle names. Their first names also reflect two of the most powerful beings in mythology, and Crees is confident both will accomplish great things.

Ares marks the third baby for Eveland and the second for Crees.

As Ares is also the first baby of 2018, his family received plenty of gifts from local businesses, presented to them by Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital Auxiliary President Toni Andreen and Auxiliary member Kim Black, who co-chairs collecting donations for the New Year baby with Melene Merzejewski.

Black and Andreen explained they have a list of local businesses to contact, and each auxiliary member takes part of that list. Among the items donated were gift certificates, blankets, stuffed toys and, of course, plenty of diapers.


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