There were some changes in leadership during the Hot Springs County Commissioners meeting Tuesday. John Lumley stepped down and Tom Ryan was newly elected the chair of the Hot Springs County Commission going into 2018 with Phillip Scheel as the new vice chair. Ryan was not in attendance at the meeting, so Scheel chaired it.
The change in roles comes as part of the commission’s reorganization for 2018. Among other reorganization items were keeping the dates of the first Tuesday of the month at 9 a.m. and the third Tuesday at 4 p.m. for commission.
Holidays were kept largely the same, and include President’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Scheel noted this year Christmas Eve falls on a Monday. While typically Dec. 24 would be a half-day off, because of where it falls it will be a full day.
As for committee appointments, Scheel said they will remain the same. Lumley will be the liaison for Town Properties, the Senior Center, Town of Thermopolis, BLM Bighorn Basin Resource Management Plan Revision, Tribal Liaison with the Wind River Indian Reservation, Shoshone Forest Proposal and the Wyoming County Commissioners Association Board of Directors.
Ryan will cover Town Properties, Town of Thermopolis, Hot Springs County Library, Road and Bridge, BLM Bighorn Basin Resource Management Plan Revision, Tribal Liaison with the Wind River Indian Reservation, Big Horn Basin Nature and Discovery Center and the Hot Springs County Airport.
Scheel will be part of Town Properties, Town of Thermopolis, Search and Rescue, Thermopolis Hot Springs Economic Development Company, Basin Authority Child Support Enforcement, Land Use Planning Board, Chamber of Commerce, Hot Springs County Museum, the Fair board and Human Resources Council.
Scheel noted they don’t necessarily have a liaison with Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital, as it now its own district.
In other business, the commission heard from Dave Schlager with regard to the County Road 15 corrective survey.
Scheel explained this survey has to do with the grant for finishing the guardrails on East River Road. The engineering phase of the project has been completed.
Bo Bowman reported the septic systems installation is on hold for now due to the cold weather. It was also reported the Hot Springs County Natural Resources Planning Commission (NRPC) and Land Use Planning Commission will be meeting this month. The NRPC will be asking for another member as Ray Shaffer will no longer continue.
Barb Rice reported on the diversion program, a program for juveniles which provides an alternative to fines and/or jail time. The commission approved Rice’s quarterly drawdown amount as well.
Hot Spring Sounty Emergency Management Coordinator Bill Gordon reported there are no current emergencies other than the cold. He is working on a new way to help the public understand what happens along the river during the high water season, in an effort to prevent injuries.
An Automated Weather Observing Systems maintenance contract with WYDOT Aeronautics was approved. A resolution was also adopted to include another user in the Owl Creek Water District. Scheel noted the user originally did not feel he wanted to be part of the district.
A document was signed to continue the partnership with regard to regulations concerning sage grouse, particularly with regard to BLM lands.
The commission also received report that a Mineral Royalties Grant (eMRG) was recently approved by the SLIB Board, in the amount of $159,500, which should cover the entire new roof for the Hot Springs County Senior Center. Work on the roof has begun, Scheel noted, though the company is waiting for a break in the weather before continuing.
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