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Start small

Ah, all of the holiday traveling and shopping has again come to and end. Time to kick back and relax. But wait, out on the horizon there’s the final end to the holiday season — the New Year.

Just as soon as the Christmas lists are all marked off, it seems, it’s time to start writing down those resolutions. It can be easy to get caught up in everything you want to do to improve yourself or your life in 2018, but keep in mind you don’t have to try and knock them out right away. Trying to can have some harmful effects, from not feeling you’re good enough to set the goals you’ve made, to negatively impacting your health.

Try to keep in mind this is a marathon, not a sprint, and we’ve all got the same 365 days to make it to the finish line. Also, consider going in with friends or family on some group resolutions. Having a team working toward a common goal can help to keep you on track.

If you’re having trouble coming up with a resolution, find some inspiration by taking a look at the moments in your life from this past year where you may not have made the best decision or said something you regret. Even if it’s something as simple as “I want to be a better person,” that can be an important first step.

Whether you’re the kind that makes resolutions, or you’re just looking forward to celebrating transitioning from one year to the next, we here at The Independent Record want to wish you a Happy New Year. May you have a positive and productive 2018.


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