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Registration open for boys basketball

The deadline to get registered for the Hot Springs County Recreation Boys Youth Basketball is fast approaching, and the program has about 30 youth signed up as of Dec. 21. Registration began on Dec. 4 and will be open through Jan. 2. Late fees will be assessed for registrations received after Jan. 3

There will be five or six games through the season, with an opener tentatively scheduled for Jan. 15, though that could change depending on the number of kids registered.

Age divisions include the K-1 Little Dribblers, 2-3 Developmental Program and the 4-6 Junior Bobcat Division. Registrations are $10 for Dribblers, $15 for Developmental and $20 for the Bobcat Division.

The Dribblers typically have their games on Mondays, 6-6:45 p.m., while the older programs have games Mondays 6:15-8 p.m. and practices 6-8 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Rosters are also available for the Recreation District’s Adult Basketball League. Registration opened Dec. 18 and will be open until Jan. 22, and the coast is $225 per team. There will be a mangers meeting on Jan. 22.

For more information about the programs, or to register, stop by the Rec. District, call 864-3767 or go online to


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