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Town approves annual audit

Tuesday night, the Thermopolis Town Council approved its audit for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017. Prior to the town’s approval of the audit, Mayor Mike Mortimore noted council had received the audit previously and had time to look it over. Mortimore also commended the work done by Koerwitz, Michel, Wright and Associates in completing the audit.

Michael Wright reported to council regarding the audit, noting one finding that has shown up in the past and will continue to in the future. He further explained some things the council does prevent and protect potential errors in the county.

“If you look at the budget vs. actual as well as the expenditures in detail and apply knowledge of what should be happening to what you see happening in financial transactions,” Wright said, “you are mitigating that risk of that lack of segregation.”

Wright further noted there was no reported material noncompliance with laws, statutes and regulations. There were no further observance of weaknesses with regard to internal control.

In other action, council approved Mayor Mortimore to sign the certificate of substantial completion concerning the airport tank painting project. Town Engineer Anthony Barnett reported the painting was completed and the tank is back online.

Barnett also reported the DEQ permit, for the tank vents on the Cedar Ridge and state park tanks, is being completed under the contract for the tank painting project. There was the hope to get the vents on the tank by the end of the month to meet the EPA deadline, but due to the bad weather an extension until the end of January was requested.

Council also approved a two-year contract with insurance consultant, Brad Johnson, at $6,000 per year. The rate is an increase from $4,500, which Johnson had provided for the council for at least 15 years.


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