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Tour the town to see the lights

On Thursday, Dec. 21, the public is invited to ride in Hot Springs County Senior Center vehicles to gaze upon the lovely holiday decorations around town.

Center director, Lisa Pierce, said they will utilize the vehicles they have to ensure there is enough room. She added that she and her kids all grew up with the tradition of going around town to look at the decorations — a tradition since passed on to grandchildren — and she thought it would be something fun to bring to the center.

There is no fee for the event, and there will also be hot cocoa, treats and a movie at the center. Bus rides are scheduled to start at 6 p.m. from the center.

The following day, Dec. 22, the center will be celebrating Christmas. There will be pictures with Santa from 11 a.m. until noon and an ugly sweater contest at 11:45 a.m.

Lunch is served from 11:30 a.m. until 1 p.m. with a meal of baked ham, mashed sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, tossed salad, rolls and pie. The public is welcome to join the meal as well, for a suggested donation of $4 for seniors and $9 for non-seniors.


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