This time of year, it seems, just naturally comes with plenty of bustling activity. Whether it’s shopping for all of the people on your holiday list, getting the tree and decorations put up and just getting the house ready for guests.
If the snow didn’t do it for you, this second December weekend in Thermopolis there’s plenty of activities to keep you busy and get you into the spirit of the season. The downtown is going to be bustling with activities involving trees, chili, cookies, campers and more, and you can also stop in at the high school Saturday for the middle school wrestling conference or the Bobcat Invitational for Speech and Debate.
The season is also one of thankfulness and caring, and it’s a good time to remember those who are in need for the holidays. Local churches and organizations are providing food and certainly could use volunteers to pack and deliver boxes. And don’t miss out on your opportunity to make a child’s Christmas special by participating in the annual Elf Tree. Even something as simple as visiting residents at local nursing homes or listening to person who seems to have the weight of the world on his or her shoulders can help warm the heart.
While there’s the usual hustle and bustle of getting the holiday shopping done in time, as well as those modern technological devices that grab our attention, remember to also keep your holiday season busy by participating in our local traditions, or even create some new ones. Without the people to help keep them going, they might easily fade away.
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